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IOW" lifi By Hannah 7i Publisher <br /> 0, on j ?? h Jc . . X , <br /> Roughly 30,000 gallons of caused somewhere between 7 <br /> raw sewage spilled into 2000 and 5,000 gallons of sew - <br /> Clearwater Creek at the inter- age to discharge. Moeller • <br /> section of Cedar and Elmcrest couldn't give precise figures, <br /> Avenues on June 17. The sewer but estimates that since its con- <br /> cracked again on June 18, about struction in 1977, this portion <br /> 200 yards from the first break, of the sewer line has broken at <br /> spillmg another 2,000 to 3,000 Least 8 times. "less than 1,000 <br /> gallons of sewage. feet of the line would be likely 4 '' <br /> Former resident and former to release into the creek, if we <br /> Hugo councilman Marvin have a failure," he said. <br /> LaValle reported the first spill Soil conditions make that area • - <br /> which was caused by a crack in of the forced sewer main vul- ' <br /> the lateral section of the sewer nerable to corrosion, explained <br /> line that runs west through Moeller. He's found corrosion <br /> Hugo, Lino Lakes, under 35E along the entire length of the <br /> and into Centerville. main. The metal pipe and that ; <br /> According to Linda Henning, type of soil causes localized .° <br /> information officer for the Met- corrosion, said Moeller. It is ' Ilf 11s gi 4 ' : <br /> m <br /> ropolitan Council Environen- impossible to anticipate where 'ti1Fn► - • <br /> tab Services, all but 10,000 gal corrosion might occur, he said. • r r . - <br /> bons of sewage from the first The good news is that Envi „ t°+.. . , : wr • <br /> spill was recovered. The second ronmental Services is getting +" r e r ,. , w . - .. < r :, g <br /> leak was discovered and re- ready to make $2.8 million in '4 • t - a , ♦ ,,t + l'? <br /> paired within several hours and improvements to fix the prob- fit '' t C <br /> entirely cleaned up, said lem. The departmentis slated to {i p <br /> z. fall 400" Henning . begin work shortly after the July x r > , <br /> As of June 22, fecal coliform 4 holiday to install a new lift , g , � •- . 0 r , N- r 4 <br /> bacteria in water samples taken station in Centerville. The a ,,� i ,,, - 1 . a <br /> at the site were at "background" project has been in planning for M : ,,, „ r„ . <br /> levels said Henning. Since the over a year A forced mainline "^` s r $ � < • <br /> department down t regulazly will run into Lino Lakes and '" 4,. <br /> test the ditch for fecal contamf- connect to a gravity sewer sys- . t ?? <br /> nation, they don't know how tem through Hugo. The new <br /> � -,..c. Y � Y <br /> much coliform is normally con- nine will be made of nlastic .. ., <br /> illlit'A in ine creek. LC li.c t.ic which wont b e v ulnerable to °*" ,. 7r-." ' . Jf# ' e' <br /> monitors the same sort of corrosion prob- <br /> Watershed regularly - #. _ -" "' '` ' " .r `°` <br /> , � ..-- : .a ,,.,;, x, <br /> the creek but they don't sample lems, he said. The new lift sta- . a ,-,, . * "5. <br /> '' <br /> we water for bacteria, Lney rhea- non and new pipe system com y ' , t � �; `4. ' <br /> sure phosphates. Water from bitted should solve the problem, '. l <br /> .am. ,, —a- �",, Yn,' x ;,= ,, ..otk <br /> Clearwater Creek flows into said Muller. 5 ` <br /> Lake Peltier Estimated completion date ,,'•' , �-, , - , w 1,,;x, .. ,,. <br /> Henning said the spill is con- for the project is next May, but _ s 4� " '° . , , -, . .,_,,,, <br /> sidered relatively small but "ob- it could be complete by as early °'"t , ` °.� ,. „z w..%-.“--4-:-4.,..s <br /> �c ... '-+a ""'” ; <br /> as . -r <br /> viously, we would prefer not to this fall s ±a y^a ' " ` '" , <br /> have any,. ' e"' � ; c �. . - r,.. - . , ' ,, "'g • Accordine to George Brice°, r ' -, <br /> inorganic chemist with WR &R - ` ' + ` ' Kr ' ' ` w <br /> Environmental Services in Eau <br /> Claire, under Wisconsin law, <br /> when there is a sewage will the . Pitzen qualified to compete in the Nationa <br /> site must be tested five tunes for <br /> a month. If 5 percent of the Championships in Springflekl Ill. in July. For the fu] <br /> samples test positive for fecal <br /> contamination, the state consid- • d out of <br /> ers -2 culverts <br /> pl C ounty may pay for JD <br /> wheth That es to an site <br /> whether it is a ditch, culvert, viously it c that v our responsibilir <br /> field, or creek. By Hannah Trlsen, P d <br /> ublisher • do it orrectly. ..I think it is an ob: <br /> The forced sewer main has a Washington County will consider paying for replacing and re- the engineer keeps telling me it i <br /> history of breaking. According setting the culverts at Harrow Avenue and Washington CR-4 at biltty. <br /> to Bill Moeller, manager in their July Count Commissioner Dennis R estimates it will cost <br /> charge of reg maintenance Hegberg rreeqq uested the issue be p on the agenda after hold- reset the culverts. Meanwhile tl <br /> of the 8. In n the line broke twice August 1998 a break ins p a worksho board meeting. <br /> JD -2 in June. Rice Creek Watershed Dis- agency to take responsibility fo� <br /> in 1998. Since 1998, Hugo has spent $7, <br /> caused about 3,000 gallons of pct requested they hold the workshop <br /> raw sewage to discharge and m He said isn't sure, but thinks he's got enough support <br /> November another break to get t a a motion to o reset the culverts passed. . "We built CR 4, ob Turn to CULVERTS on <br />