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Salazar Potentially Dangerous Dog <br /> Council Member Sweeney stated he has grown up with dogs for his entire life and <br /> noted he felt the dogs' actions were the actions of a large puppy. He indicated he does <br /> not want to punish the owners of these dogs because they have made great efforts to <br /> improve the situation. Council Member Sweeney stated he felt the six -foot fence <br /> would be adequate and should deter the Council from declaring the dog or dogs as <br /> being potentially dangerous. <br /> Council Member Nelson noted she felt Dakota was potentially dangerous and stated he <br /> was not immunized for rabies until eight months old. She indicated the dog was not <br /> recorded with the City of Centerville and that the temporary fence they have was not <br /> constructed properly to contain the animals. Council Member Nelson felt some action <br /> needed to be taken by Council to make sure the owners are held accountable for the <br /> animals and the protection of neighboring residents. She stated an electrical fence <br /> may be a good option at the top and bottom of the wooden fence. <br /> Council Member Travis concurred with Council Member Nelson stating that the <br /> owners need to be held accountable and responsible for their animals behavior. He <br /> indicated he would hate to see the dogs get out and hurt or scare someone in the <br /> neighborhood. <br /> Council Member Broussard Vickers indicated she was concerned with the lack of <br /> responsibility of the owners getting the animals vaccinated late and not licensed with <br /> the City. She stated she was also concerned with the animals getting out twice. <br /> Council Member Broussard Vickers noted the dogs are located on a busy corner with <br /> many children who may not respect and understand the animals. She noted she had no <br /> prooiem wain ueciaring are clogs potentially uangerous. <br /> Council Member Broussard Vickers noted she would like to see the owners be <br /> responsible for an enclosed kennel, muzzle the dogs while being walked, and <br /> increased public liability insurance. She indicated the six -foot fence would be at the <br /> option of the homeowners at this time. Council Member Broussard Vickers stated <br /> some of the actions of the animals could be puppy playfulness, however, the owners <br /> need to be held accountable. <br /> Mayor Wilharber indicated all dogs have an extremely unique personality. He stated <br /> the owners have not been actively seeking a fence until recently. Mayor Wilharber <br /> noted he was in favor of the proper enclosed kennel as described in the Ordinance but <br /> suggested the size be increased to allow for both animals to be placed within the <br /> kennel. <br /> Mayor Wilharber explained he felt the Council had to do something and do it now. He <br /> felt it was the responsibility of the Council to protect the neighboring properties and <br /> their residents. <br /> Council Member Nelson questioned if both dogs could be declared potentially <br /> dangerous or if only Dakota could be. Mr. Hoeft noted the dog owners did not <br /> understand what they were getting into with two German Shepherd house dogs. He <br /> 8 <br />