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indicated the Police handled the matter with the utmost care and stated both dogs <br /> could be declared potentially dangerous dogs. <br /> Mr. Hoeft stated this determination could be made at this time or tabled to allow the <br /> property owners time to meet the Ordinance specifications. Mr. Hoeft indicated <br /> because there was a dog bite, there should be some concern on the Council's part. <br /> Council Member Broussard Vickers questioned if the animals were not declared <br /> potentially dangerous, if the City could enforce the Ordinance mandates. Mr. Hoeft <br /> indicated the City would not be able to enforce the mandates until they were declared <br /> potentially dangerous. <br /> Council Member Sweeney questioned if there was a timeframe as to when the animals <br /> could be declared potentially dangerous. Mr. Hoeft stated this determination should <br /> be done quickly to get the owner's in compliance and to keep control over the animals. <br /> Council Member Nelson indicated she felt the evidence shows both animals are <br /> potentially dangerous. Council Member Broussard Vickers concurred and stated she <br /> would like to see the animals muzzled when walked. She added that she felt the pet <br /> owners have not made changes to the kenneling situation since May 25, 2000. <br /> Motion by Council Member Broussard Vickers, seconded by Council Member <br /> Travis to declare both dogs (Nakita and Dakota) potentially dangerous dogs and <br /> that the owners comply with Ordinance 24.18 Subdivision 1 items A, B, and D <br /> with 32 square feet of kennel space per animal. <br /> Council Member Sweeney asked that the proclamation and solution be separated into <br /> to separate motions. He indicated he felt the Council does not know the entire <br /> situation behind the handling of the animals. <br /> Mayor Wilharber stated 73 days have passed since the tirst incident without any <br /> changes made to improve the kenneling situation. He added he felt the animals should <br /> each have 32 square feet of kennel per animal. Council Member Broussard Vickers <br /> concurred to the amendment and Council Member Travis accepted the friendly <br /> amendment. <br /> Council Member Nelson noted she felt the owners should be held to these mandates <br /> within 14 days after the date of notice is sent to the owner. Mr. Hoeft indicated this <br /> should be taken a step at a time and that the City would pass along the notice to the <br /> owners. He stated if compliance was not made, it would be forwarded come back to <br /> the Council for future discussion and action. <br /> All in favor. Motion carried 3 -2. (Council Members Nelson and Sweeney <br /> opposed). <br /> 9 <br />