Pedestrian Bridge continued from pager Engineering Specifications Cook Memorial Ice g�
<br /> obvious public safety reasons. Several material types (steel, concrete, wood) and struc-
<br /> A second alternative outlined the construction of some type ture types (continuous span, pony truss, through girder, a ow Roof ,
<br /> of link between the east and west sides of the freeway. Two solu- through truss) were considered for this project. HRG provide by Rick Froberg, AI A tall
<br /> tions studied were the construction of a pedestrian bridge over the City and in HasrardR.G
<br /> TH 169 or the installation of an underpass beneath TH 169. The depth analysis '4- Located in the City of Coon Rapids, MN, the Cook Memo -
<br /> underpass was rejected as the trench construction method neces- and recommen nal Ice Arena had a history of' severe roof leaks throughout the
<br /> facility. Howard R. Green Company (HRG) was hired to do a Cedar Rapids, IA
<br /> sary would severely disrupt traffic on TH 169, and jacking of an dation of design Y• P Y ( ) P.O. Box 9009
<br /> full evaluation of the roofin s stem. Cedar Rapids, IA 52409
<br /> underpass would be cost - prohibitive. Underpasses also have in- alternatives. For g Y 800/728 -7805
<br /> herent safety concems which also contributed to the decision design, mainte- - ;
<br /> z � Creston, IA
<br /> made. nance, and aes- More than Just L eakin ;' e l P.O. Box 39
<br /> Creston, IA 50801
<br /> The selected alternative, based upon pedestrian safety and thetic reasons, a 9 800/550-5/54
<br /> practical implications, was to construct a pedestrian bridge lo- 2 -span, through - While performing , ° - —,
<br /> cated over TH 169 approximately half -way between its intersec- girder style with the evaluation, HRG E t' Des Moines, IA .O. Box 31039
<br /> staff discovered that Des Moines, IA 50310
<br /> tions with School Street and 193rd Avenue. The bridge was a pier in the - ° r, ( 800/593 -2339
<br /> built to connect with the existing sidewalk systems on both sides middle was cho- the membranes and ®1
<br /> of the highway. In the project area, TH 169 runs in a northwest sen as the best option. The through girder would result in a fleshings were all as- ° Iowa w f ty, IA „ eel
<br /> to southeast direction while the property lines run predominantly Less bulky appearance to the final structure as well as minimiz- bestos. The City was Suite 200
<br /> ". Iowa Cny. IA 52240
<br /> in east -west and north -south directions. To fit in with existing ing the total height, since the bridge deck would be placed unaware of this condi- ill . 800 280/805
<br /> [ion as none of the --a: - `
<br /> development and optimize use of an existing easement, the within the girder rather than on the top or bottom. - ' - ' Sioux Falls, SD
<br /> bridge was designed in an east -west direction. The resulting HRG's design engineers faced challenges with this contractors providing 309 Wes 43r Street, SD s `e 101
<br /> bridge crossing angle increased the complexity of the design. project to meet vertical clearance requirements over TH 169 repair service had 8 00o65 -3008
<br /> and match up with existing sidewalk systems. To meet ADA mentioned it. HRG ,^ St Paul, MN
<br /> Federal Assistance and Funding standards, the walkway needed to s
<br /> hlkded tta made the City aware that the as- 1326Energy park Drive
<br /> Y within the maximum 8/368 MN
<br /> Howard R. Green staff submitted a proposal for use of grade allowance of 5%, which was accomplished. bestos had to be disposed of prop- y ; 8 88 u36 55108
<br /> M
<br /> federal bridge construction funds to the District 3 Area y, as there could be serious
<br /> Transportation Partnership (ATP). The earlier tragedy had Conclusion al ramifications should that 2
<br /> captured the attention of Representative James L. Oberstar Construction of this high profile project began in mid -Sep- fail to occur. - 7
<br /> whose Congressional District encompasses Elk River. With tember 1999 and was open to pedestrians in November. Be HRG initially provided an in - tae his position as ranking Democratic member on the House cause of the obvious impact to traffic, installation of the depth evaluation of the roof con- • • • massive girder system took place during nighttime hours. firming their asbestos findings and
<br /> The use of Federal TEA -21 funds required that a Project recommended replacing the roof. T E — n n Memorandum be written and approved for the project. With As part of the evaluation, HRG /'1 G ' A with typical TEA -21 projects. r constant communication with City staff and the State Aid office provided the City of Coon Rapids with a construction estimate for to W is TEA - of Mn/DOT, the project was kept moving on a fast track. Asa the roof replacement work. Along with the report, information n TEA -2 stan f ';, result, the time from the start of the design phase to opening the was included regarding some damaged concrete block on the ex- ti Act for the 21s Centu lr , b was 16 months, an accelerated timeframe when dealing terior walls and standing seam panels at the top of the exterior the current Federal m: wall that were detenoratin g' P ro s lion related ects.
<br /> � J '� A complete project case study on this successful pedestrian Once the City had funding in place, HRG proceeded with I I, s this A mo 0/ v. 1 " : P bridge project can be found on HRG's web site at construction documents for a properly attached built -up roof g rou ps? - Any trans o
<br /> www.hrgreeacom/elkrivechtm. s with a new Y stem. The drawin s g included a detailed roof P lan o tapered insulation layout and roof details for each perimeter
<br /> a A, About the Author: and penetration. The specifications included proper removal g asestos materia con - W g ible W hat I[h are the dpa
<br /> and disposal of the existing asbestos HRG f
<br /> Terry is a project manager /team leader P p roof IlrlaS. 9
<br /> [acted the top contractors in the area and conducted a pre gh [ typ
<br /> and vice president for Howard R. [he r l
<br /> Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, he as- Green Company's Municipal Services - bid roof walkover with the interested contractors. good method
<br /> listed in obtaining prioritized approval of the project in the Group. Terry's work has included Bids c ame in under budget and the work was awarded to of obtai
<br /> . g P P P P J g yond those that are no
<br /> State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). HRG project design and construction man \ Palmer West Construction. With the money saved, the City using federal funds i
<br /> agement for all types of municipal im
<br /> prepared a grant application for TEA -21 Enhancement was able to add replacement of the exterior wall standing Irian bridges,
<br /> Grant - funds which could be used for off -road trails and Provemems, as well as capital panels into the project. ro'ect. HRG and the contractor g s, bituminl
<br /> • improvement programs, utility master Construction and new ro
<br /> pedestrian bridges - and was successful in obtaining planning, park facility planning and de r ked out details and costs for this additional work.
<br /> $530,400 (80 %) toward the funding of this project. sign. Terry J• Maurer, P.E. During the construction, HRG provided on -site inspections
<br /> The Green Update
<br /> The Green Update MunicipalServices May 2000 www.hrgreen -corn Page 2 The Green Update MunicipalServices May
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