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Paint swing. <br /> Fix huge ruts under swings. Wow, they aze huge (or were huge). <br /> Consider a pad for the tabie. <br /> FiY the bent table, or replace it if necessary. Kids are apparently moving the table by the basketball hoop and <br /> jumping off the end and the table can't take it. Either secure the table away for the hoop, or get a m4re resilient <br /> table. <br /> Remove the pile of junk accumulating at the southwest end of the park. <br /> Could possibly plant one tree in the southwest part of the park. , <br /> Consider a narrow foot trail or something like that from Royal Meadows to Tracie Mcbride park. (I give this ' <br /> relatively low priority as I think the skate park is more important_ lZeconsider it again neat year, fa.� 2a01.) , <br /> Lamotte Park <br /> Remove pallets, wire, metal, and junk on east side of the trail just before crossing the creek. Kids have been <br /> putting it on the trail at night and it could cause an injury to an unsuspecting runner. � <br /> Paint hockey stripes. I <br /> Lion's concession stand could go at the end of the trail. <br /> A light, sti1l at Rich DeFoe's needs to be put in the lighted field. <br /> Remove or install the light laying on the ground just west of the trail by the hockey rink. There's also a pole and <br /> some other things there. <br /> The roof need replacing on the hockey stand_ <br /> The temporary road may not become a traii. It would dump people into the middle ofnowhere on Centerville <br /> Road and another option may be possible. If fihe church property is acquired, it would naturally extend the park <br /> boundaries. With that, a trail could go from the parking lot east and slightly north to match the street slighfly <br /> north of the temporary road. No acrion should be taken until the outcome of that land is known. <br /> A structure might go nicely at the east center of the park, just south of the temporary road. <br /> Eagle Pass <br /> Deternune where boundary of park is on the north right by the new home and also to the northwest — is that <br /> large field part of the park? <br /> The sport pad conversion to a tennis court may need some rethinking. The tennis court may not fit too well. ' <br /> Tlie trail from the park west has no base. It is becoming an asphalt patchwork quilt. It will have to be redone, but <br /> it should really be redone by the original developer. Do we have any leverage there? (Target 2001-2004.) <br /> Trees may need to be thinned. They may be too big to transplant. <br /> Satellite to go by the trail exit to the north behind trees. <br /> City Ha11 <br /> This is the obvious p�ace for the skate/bike/scoater park. The most important feature is that it is centrally located <br /> for the kids and youth of the city. Lamotte park, I feel, would be too far away and supervision is problematic. <br /> With the skate park at City Hail, someone is almost always available neazby. In addition, the power Iines <br /> n�nnin north/south provide an almost ideal access to the park from the northern and southern parts of the city. <br /> The southern route would have to be investigated. The northem route would take a trail to Main St where a <br /> pedestrian walkway could be built with stop iights perhaps so l�ds and youth could cross safely. On the north <br /> side of Main St. it may be possible to construct a trail in the block across the street and 2 blocks west (a new <br /> strip mall and the rebuild the "trail" at the earisting strip mall. A trail on the north side of Main St need to be <br /> designed by an engineer with a long term view in mind. The short term inferior trai� at the existing strip ma11 is <br /> an exainple of what should NOT be done. <br /> Longer Term Related <br /> Sr Paul Water Property <br /> , A plan should be formulated soon about acquiring this property. Availability and presumably price are known <br /> and plans should be possible that won't let this property slip away. Make preliminary inquiries as to the process <br /> � needed to be foliowed (Target Mar, 2001.) <br /> � <br /> i <br />