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Chief and the Centennial Lakes Police Department Police Commission Chair <br /> represent the City. All in favor. Motion carried unanimousl� <br /> Woiak Sewer Repair/Servicin� Reimbursement <br /> Mr. March submitted a request from Mr. Larry Woiak, 6925 Centerville Road, for <br /> reimbursement for sewer repairs due to improper installation of the City's sewer line. <br /> Council Member Travis questioned the possibility of an "even exchange" due to the fact <br /> that Mr. Woiak was not paying far City services while receiving them. Mayor Wilharber <br /> clarified that the previous home owner was not paying for services and that Mr. Woiak <br /> had come to the City informing them of the problems that his residence was experiencing <br /> and at that point the City commenced billing. <br /> Council Member Broussard Vickers questioned whether the problems experienced by <br /> Mr. Woiak were due to the line located in the City's right-of-way or in the connection <br /> line from the residence to the City's stub. City Engineer Peterson stated that the line had <br /> disconnected due to the angle of installation and tree root growth was causing the <br /> problems. City Attorney Hoeft stated that if the pxoblem is in the City's line it is then the <br /> responsibiiity of the City to pay for repairs. City Engineer Peterson confirmed that this ! <br /> was the case. <br /> I <br /> Council Member Travis requested that staff research a$40 notation to ensure that this I <br /> amount had not previously been reimbursed. <br /> I <br /> Motion bv Council Member Broussard Vickers, seconded by Council Member <br /> Travis to reimburse Mr. Woiak for sewer repair up to $630.50 and directing staff to I <br /> investigate the $40. All in favor. Motion carried unanimousl� <br /> � <br /> City Hall Updating <br /> Mr. March presented several proposals far updating furniture, telephone system, copy <br /> machine, painting and carpeting City Hall. The estimate for the total upgrade as <br /> presented is approximately $54,000. <br /> Council Member Sweeney requested that the walls be furred out and insulated to prevent <br /> cold air from radiating into the offices from the concrete walls: <br /> Mayor Wilharber questioned whether the funds were included in the budget. Mr. March <br /> indicated it was not included in the budget. Council Member Sweeney questioned <br /> whether funds were available for the upgrade. Mr. March recommended using the <br /> remaining capital outlet funds for the year and using funds from the general fund for the <br /> remainder. <br /> Mayor Wilharber stated that City employees have been scraping by with "odds and ends" <br /> for equipment and noted it was time to improve equipznent and furniture. <br /> Page 7 of 10 <br />