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years 2001 and 2005. Council Member Sweeney stated that the school district should <br /> have been aware of the coming development and as the timing of the development is in <br /> line with the Comprehensive Plan there should not be a cause for concern. <br /> Mayor Wilharber questioned whether the developer had made the modifications <br /> previously requested by Council. Mr. Hannah indicated that he had made the <br /> modifications and would be presenting the revised plan to Council at the public hearing. <br /> Resolution 00-32 — Delinquent Utilities <br /> Motion bv Council Member Travis, seconded bv Council Member Sweene,y to <br /> Approve Resolution 00-32, a Resolution Authorizing the City to add a 10% Late fee <br /> and an addztional $25.00 administrative fee to the delinquent utility bills and <br /> authorizing the amounts to be certified to the Anoka County Auditor to appear on <br /> 2001 �roperty tax statements. <br /> Council Member Sweeney stated that he would like a letter sent to the individuals on the <br /> delinquent utility bill list informing them if they are on the list next year that their names <br /> will be published. � <br /> Council Member Broussard Vickers indicated she would like to publish the names I <br /> commencing next year. She also indicated she would like to increase the administrative I <br /> fee and interest rate if possible. '� <br /> Consensus was to direct City Attorney Hoeft to research the administrative fee and I <br /> interest rate under the usury laws and report back to Council. I <br /> i <br /> All in favor. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> i <br /> Election Canvassin� <br /> Mayor Wilharber read the election statistics as presented by the City Clerk/Treasurer. <br /> Motion by Council Member Broussard Vickers, seconded by Council Member <br /> Travis to acce t the election canvassin as resented. All in favor. Motion carried <br /> unanimouslv. <br /> Joint Law Enforcement Council <br /> Mr. March stated that the City needed to approve an amendment to the By-Laws of the <br /> Anoka County Joint Law Enforcement Council to become an official member. NIr. <br /> March stated that the amendment allows for City representation. Mr. March also stated <br /> that the Centennial Lakes Police Department Police Chief and the Centennial Lakes <br /> Police Department Police Commission Chair would be representing the City. <br /> Motion bv Council Member Broussard Vickers, seconded by Council Member <br /> Sweenev, to approve the amendment to the By-Laws of the Anoka County, Joint <br /> Law Enforcement Council allowing the Centennial Lakes Police De�artment Police <br /> Page 6 of 10 <br />