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Mr. Rehbein then explained he had gone back and redesigned the development to allow <br />access from the interior. He also noted that there was an outlot created which is different <br />from the previous plan. He explained the reason for creating the outlot was to allow <br />enough land to meet the minimum frontage for two lots in that area in the future. <br /> <br />Chairperson Hanson asked if the easement issue with Ms. Corr was resolved. Mr. <br />Rehbein indicated that the property is actually owned by the County Park and a triangular <br />driving easement has been granted to Ms. Corr. <br /> <br />Commissioner DeVine asked whether any research had been done to determine if there <br />was an Indian mound located on Lot 10. Mr. Rehbein indicated that he had the state <br />archaeologist examine the area and the archaeologist had found nothing to indicate it was <br />an Indian mound. <br /> <br />Mr. Rehbein indicated that his agreement with the landowner states that no actual home <br />construction would begin before next Spring. He then noted that if all the pieces of the <br />puzzle fall into place they may do some grading and run some sewer pipe this Fall. <br /> <br />Chairperson Hanson expressed concern for the small piece of property down by the <br />waterfront on Lot 10. Mr. Rehbein explained that he is developing a unique piece of <br />property that is wide and deep and explained he is trying to allow for as much lake access <br />as possible. <br /> <br />Commissioner Wilharber questioned what the access easement on the original plan was <br />for. Mr. Rehbein explained they would run sewer in that area and had an agreement with <br />Hal to give him a sewer stub up to his property. He also indicated that the easement area <br />could be used for lake access for the homeowner’s association. <br /> <br />Mr. Palzer indicated he had a problem with a 10-foot driveway easement as he feels it is <br />too narrow for snow removal. Mr. Rehbein indicated it could be widened if necessary. <br /> <br />Mr. Drilling noted that if Mr. Rehbein made the development into a PUD the road could <br />be narrower and made a private street. Mr. Rehbein indicated that he felt a public street <br />would be preferable. <br /> <br />Commissioner McLean expressed concern for drainage onto Lot 10 from the existing <br />residence. <br /> <br />IV. OLD BUSINESS <br /> <br />1. Pheasant Marsh – Final Plat <br /> <br />Commissioner DeVine inquired as to whether the engineer had looked at the final plat. <br />Mr. Palzer indicated he believed the engineer had reviewed the final plat. Mr. Hannah <br />indicated that the engineer had reviewed the final plat. <br /> <br />Page 11 of 16 <br /> <br />