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. <br /> � <br /> So$ball Tourn,ament �re al� held at LaMotte Park, it �ould generate a gxeat deal of <br /> income for whatever argani�za.tion is willing to operate a concession stand. Whether this <br /> organiz�tion is the Lions Clzib, Little League, Soccer Club, Parks arnl Recreation <br /> Committee or liimsel� at wauld be a great source of income. He also explain�d that it <br /> � would establish a reputation of offering concessions at the park. He suggested that <br /> ' whatever organization elects to offer aoncessions, couid do�ate some of the proceeds ta <br /> ' the Parks and Recreatfon Committee. Qnoe the actual conc�ssion shelter is built, it could <br /> ' be taken over the Parks and Recreation Committee, or whomever elects to iun t�ie <br /> , concessions. <br /> Ms. DeVine questioned of the Lions Club has come to any conclusians related to funding <br /> for the concession shelter. <br /> Mr. Bisek explained there are many avenues for generating funds fox the concessian <br /> shelter. 'The Spring Lake Park Lions Cha�itable Gambling �s a very aggressive <br /> organi�ation that is donating proceeds to Centervilie for these type of things. �ther ways, <br /> such as: fundraisers, coupons, DNR Grant or possi�ly a loan from the City (paid back <br /> with proaeeds �xom the concessions) are always a passibility. Additionally, the i�eels <br /> Park will also play a€actor in the concession shelter. <br /> 11�r. Bisek questioned if the Committee had any ather cancerns or questians that he might <br /> be able to help with. The Comniittee �:a�i no further questi�ns axad thanked �VIr. B�sek for <br /> his time and for attending the me�ting. <br /> CON�IDERATIOI�T OF MIl'�1UTES <br /> Ma�2, 200 d Parks a.nci 12ecr$ation Meetin�Minutes <br /> Motaen by Mr. Peters�n, seconded by 1dlr. Waitec to approve t4�e May 2, 2001 Parks <br /> and Recreatian Committee M+eetin� 1Vlinutes wft� noted changes. All i�a favor. <br /> Motion carried t�nanimou�ly. <br /> UNFINISHED BUSYN�SS <br /> Update on Rentai of Church Property <br /> Mr. Waiter exglained that Ms. I�eVine, her husband Ray DeVine and 3im Mareh all met <br /> �or lunch ane day to discuss the options o�r�nting property from the Church for a soc�er <br /> I f�ld. After their discussion, it ��s apparent that it would be very costly to renovaxe the <br /> fiel�. intv a soccer field, and would be difficult to get a long-tecanmm lease from the Chwch, <br /> If the �hurch doesn't want to grant a long tertn Iease, the �om�nittee w�uldn't want to <br /> invest a lot of money into a field #hat they may not have for long. After discussion, the <br /> cansensus of the Committee was that approachin� the Churc�i is not a feasible option. <br /> Quotes �n I�el�,cating Backsta,�s and F�ncing at Laurie LaMotte Fazk <br /> Mr. Peterson e�lained he had not obtaiYied quates on relc�cating the backstops and <br /> fencing at Laurie LaNlotte Park due to the fact that the �sotion haci been pulled pric�r to <br /> 2 <br />