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I V <br /> l0�iotaon by Mr. Walter, seconded by Mr. L�e to recommend to City Counci! <br /> repiacement of the 17 b�d timbers with new timbers, at Tracie McB�ide Park. <br /> Additionally to purcl�a�e enough black dirt to build up a berm around the play- <br /> structnre, at an estimated cost of 53500, with the assist�nee of the Public Works <br /> department. All ia favor, Matiou e�,rried ananamously. <br /> NIs. D�Vine mentioned the condition of the brush around #he pomd is poor, and she would <br /> like to see i# removed. After discussion, the �ommittee c�rected Mr. Peterson to speak <br /> �vi#h Mr. Palzer to find out the prvs/cons of removing the brush, Mr, Peterson will phone <br /> poll each member with Mr. Palzer's recommendations. The Committee is looking tc� <br /> have it completed before July 10�' far the Pond Study (LVarga activity). <br /> Bud�et Rec�uest for 2002 <br /> The Committee elected to have another "Tour o£the Parks" aneeting to determine the <br /> needs of each park l�fore making recommendaxions for the 2�02 Budg�t. The taur will <br /> take plac� on Nl�nday, June 1 l, 2001 at 6:�Q p.m. beginning at Eagle Park. <br /> NEW BUSINES� <br /> Reschedule Julv Meetin� <br /> Due to the July 4`� Holiday, the C�mmittee elected to hold the July Parks and IZecr�ation <br /> Mee�ing on Tuesday, July 10, 20q1. <br /> Letter from Ia�ce Hayd�n (6965 Du�re Itd.) Regarding Satelli�e at Ea�le Park <br /> Ms. Lien e�lained thax after the satellite had been relocated for a se�ond tinne at Eagle <br /> Par�, she rec�ived another letter requesting again that it be moved. Mr. Porter <br /> commented that he and 1VIr. LeBlanc had visited the park prior to the meeting. Th�y <br /> viewed the satellite from the Hayden's property and came to the conclusion that the <br /> �Iaydens can only see the very top of t}�e s�.tellite. Once the trees are in full bloom, they <br /> won't be able to see it at all. The Comr�ui�ee discussed the Satellite S#andards and came <br /> to the �onclusion that the satellite will $emain vvhere it is currently ltrcated. Mr, LeBlanc <br /> w�ll draft a letter and forward to Ms. Lien to proof, put on letterhead and forward tc� the <br /> Hayden's. <br /> DISCUSSI�N ITEMS <br /> Montl�y Financial Statement <br /> �ri�fly discussed. <br /> . <br /> V4Tar�o Nature Center Activities <br /> 1VIs. Lien shared that th�re has b�en a great resy�onse ta the'�Nargv �.ctivrti+�s being <br /> offered. Currently th�re aze roughly 2U - 30 kids registered for each day, and Mr. li�larch <br /> mformed her that App�e A.cademy witl have approximately anather 30 kids for the <br /> activities affered at Laurie LaMotte I'ark. Ms. Lien contacted Todd Murawski at the <br /> i Wargo I*3ature Center ta c�nfiim t�at he will have enough staff to accoman�date the <br /> groups. Mr. Murawsl�i comanented tha.t he c�dn't think staff7ng wouid be a pr�blem. <br /> 6 <br />