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2001-03-07 Agenda Packet
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2001-03-07 Agenda Packet
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4/27/2010 11:53:30 AM
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. . ` II <br /> Mr. Terway asked if there was a grocery store commg to the comtnercial area. Mr. March stated that <br /> there is a 50,000 sq. ft. grocery store that will be built on the commercial property east of Willow Glen <br /> Town Homes and west of the County Bank, but there was no name or time frame mentioned. <br /> Mr. March distnbuted a proposal from Sanders, R7acker and Bergly, Inc., Architect and Planner, for <br /> landscaping and streetscapes. <br /> It was mentioned by a Council Member that the City needs a plan for the commercial area that does not <br /> so many requirements that would scaze possble businesses away. It was also mentioned by a <br /> committee member that the same theme should be carried throughout the City. <br /> Council Member Capra stated that she would like to see all committees have standardized By-Laws. <br /> Additionally, it would be nice to have a folder availa.ble that has the specifications for new members. <br /> Mr. Terway explained that he has been working in the government field for the past 25 years and l�as a <br /> couple of important points regarding liaisons. First, a liaison is unportant to an organi�.ation. They bring <br /> , forwazd the ideas to a higher body that can act. Second, they support the committee. Ms. Fairbrother <br /> asked the Council Members what a lia.ison does. Council Member Capra stated her interpretation of a <br /> liaison is one who passes information. They have no part in voting or making motions, an.d are <br /> responsible for rela.ying the inforn�ation tha.t has been discussed to Council. Ma.yor Swedberg stated that <br /> the lia.ison is there to help you, and is there to give the best, straight, honest opinion and advise to <br /> Council. <br /> Council Member Nelson stated that she would like direct communication from the committees, and <br /> would like to hear from as many citizens possible. She suggested, if possible, the liaison could be rotated <br /> amongst the committee members, and that person could attend the Council me�tings to inform Council of <br /> any items of discussion. Additionally, this would be a good way for all members and Council to get to <br /> know each other. <br /> Council Member Nelson asked the comxnittee members if formal training would give them the tools they <br /> need to better understanding procedures. She stated that Planning and Zoning Committee Members were <br /> interested 'm some kind of formal training. Otherwise, its learn as you go. <br /> Council Member Travis stated that the in.put of every volunteer is very valuable. He does not give his <br /> opinion as a liaison, until he hears all the input. <br /> Mr. Rehbine departed at $:13 p.m. <br /> The Minnesota Design team was discussed briefly. <br /> Ms. Scott departed at 8:15 p.m <br /> Ms. Scheller asked what the committee members ca.n expect from sta� and is there time allotted for staff <br /> projects? Mayor Swedberg commented tha.t Mr. March probably would not l�e his answer because it <br /> will impact him, but in his views there are limits to everything. All committees are the right arm of the <br /> City Council and each committee has reasonable needs that have to get done, i.e.: copying, purchasing <br /> supplies and information, etc. You can't e�ect staffto drop every thing to make ft so, but he would <br /> ea�pect staff to give the committees all the help that they can. Mayor Swedberg also mentioned that if <br /> copies are needed, come in and make them yourself to save time. Ms. Scheller still questioned some of <br /> wha.t Mayor Swedberg was stating. Mr. Terway stated that we need to come up with a plan, Ms. <br /> Scheller agreed. Mr. March commented that there are more committees now than before, for exa.mple: <br />
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