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Comprehensive Plan to confirm the area was zoned Residential. The City has a <br /> responsibility to follow the Comprehensive developed. The City also has a responsibility <br /> to the community at large to regulate zoning to protect property values. The City has a <br /> designated industrial area and this area is not included in same. <br /> Mr. Stevens indicated he thought the parcel was zoned Industrial just as the rest of the <br /> property along 20�` Avenue. <br /> Chairperson Hanson explained the east side of 20 Avenue is zoned Industrial and the <br /> west side of 20` Avenue is zoned Commercial. <br /> Commissioner Kilian stated that a small portion of the property appears to be Industrial <br /> and the remainder Residential. <br /> Ms. Swenson indicated residents did research the City's Comprehensive Plan and the <br /> entire area is zoned Residential and she would like it to remain that way. <br /> Mr. March explained due to the shape and size of the property, and the floodway issues a <br /> business owner looking for a piece of industrial property would not consider this parcel <br /> when it would be easier to build in the industrial park. Mr. March explained even if the I <br /> rezone is granted it would be highly unlikely the use of the property would change. <br /> Mr. Luke explained he used to live behind the Buckbee's and had a nice natural view and <br /> would never have purchased this current property if he knew it could possibly have a I <br /> view of a piece of property zoned Industrial. i <br /> Council Liaison Broussard Vickers explained that even though the City has a <br /> Comprehensive Plan as residents have mentioned the potential is always there that a <br /> property owner can request to have their property zoning designation modified. This I <br /> request has come from the property owner not the City. The City does not control <br /> requests or zoning modifications and the property owners are entitled to the public I <br /> hearing concerning the request. <br /> Ms. Swenson indicated she believed she was building next to property zoned Residential <br /> not Commercial and the Comprehensive Plan is the reason she believed that. She also <br /> noted if the property owners request the rezone, again she will be back to contest it. <br /> Mr. Moe stated, with due respect, to Council Liaison Broussard Vickers, the City does <br /> have a responsibility to follow its Comprehensive Plan which sets out the vision for the <br /> community. He stated he understood that a portion of the property can be rezoned but <br /> feels the City Comprehensive Plan and resident input indicate the parcel should remain <br /> residential. Mr. Moe then inquired as to the motivation for the request. Is the business <br /> owner planning on expanding the asphalt company? <br /> Ms. Maska expressed displeasure with the comments of Council Liaison Broussard <br /> Vickers, indicating she felt she was reprimanded for opposing the rezone, which she did <br /> not feel was appropriate. Ms. Maska stated that several residents wishes were to deny the <br /> request to rezone this parcel and felt that due to same, the City should deny the request. <br /> Page 4 of 10 <br />