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Council Liaison Broussard Vickers clarified her comments indicating she was simply <br /> trying to clarify for residents that this rezone request did not come from the City and that <br /> any property owner is entitled to request a rezoning of their property. <br /> I Mr. Radley stated residents oppose the current use of the property but if the property is <br /> rezoned to Industrial, it would pose a problem for the neighborhood. <br /> � Mr. Lloyd Drilling, 7185 Mound Trail, statea that since it appears no one is directly <br /> adjacent to the pole building perhaps a 50/50 split zoning would be appropriate. <br /> Mrs. Yaeger indicated the home she is building will be facing the pole building. <br /> Mr. Yaeger questioned the rezoning since the buyer has indicated he does not intend to <br /> change the use of the property. <br /> Mrs. Stevens indicated she would like at least the part of the property she is paying <br /> Commercial taxes on rezoned to Commercial. � <br /> Motion bv Commissioner DeVine, seconded bv Commissioner She�pard to close the I <br /> public hearing. All in favor. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Chairperson Hanson closed the public hearing at 7:15 p.m. <br /> 2. Lloyd Drilling (Site Plan) <br /> Chairperson Hanson opened the public hearing at 7:15 p.m. <br /> Mr. Drilling gave a brief overview of the proposed 10,000 square foot strip mall to be <br /> located at 1873 Main Street. Mr. Drilling provided a blueprint drawing for review. <br /> Mr. Jeff Turner, 7151 Peterson Trail, expressed concern for increased traffic onto <br /> Peterson Trail and said he would prefer to split the traffic by adding a driveway onto the <br /> Shad Avenue side of the strip mall. I <br /> Commissioner Kilian explained at the public hearing for the rezoning of the property, <br /> many residents from the Shad Avenue expressed concern for traffic and lights shining <br /> into a residential windows if there was an entrance on Shad Avenue. <br /> Mr. Turner stated he believed adding the potential for 100 more cars onto Peterson Trail <br /> is a safety hazard as there are no stop signs. <br /> Commissioner Kilian stated that he felt there was no way to accommodate a driveway <br /> onto Shad Avenue. <br /> Mrs. Yaeger questioned whether a wider entrance/exit onto Main Street would alleviate <br /> some of the traffc problems. Mr. Drilling indicated the County has specific requirements <br /> for width of access onto a County road. He also explained there needs to be an driveway <br /> on Peterson Trail to move traffic from one strip mall to the other without having people <br /> exit onto Main Street to move between shopping areas. <br /> Page 5 of 10 <br />