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�� <br /> t <br /> citizens. One model is YMCA/Boys and Girls Clubs. A second model is school- <br /> community partnerships as described by the Wallace-Readers Digest Foundation. A <br /> third option is to develop our own program. Let's demonstrate success with small <br /> pilot projects that can be evaluated for the long term. <br /> 4. Infrastructure planning is a major concern of the Council. Maintenance of roads, <br /> water, and sewer facilities must be planned with regular maintenance and <br /> replacement before systems fail. Within this category are items such as a new <br /> watertower, sewer and water line extension, pavement management plan, surface <br /> water management plan, capital improvements plan, and storm drainage and pond <br /> maintenance. <br /> 5. Traffic management is another goal, but is focused externalfy towards the State and <br /> Federal Governments. We will ask for assistance in fixing the safety problems at <br /> 135E and Main Street. We wi(I encourage the dialog to build ramps to connect 135E <br /> and 135W at the "Y" north of Centerville. Counci! will take the lead on these issues. <br /> 6. Financial stewardship, budget allocation, and policy are Council's responsibility and <br /> will be discussed regularly throughout the year. <br /> The above items are things that can be done, but there is another level that will guide us , <br /> called the Civic Index from the National Civic League. This index was developed to <br /> help communities evaluate and improve their civic infrastructures. The 10 components <br /> of the Civic Index serve as a description of the types of skills and processes that must <br /> be present for a community to deal effectively with its unique concems: � <br /> 1. Citizen participation <br /> 2. Community leadership <br /> 3. Government performance <br /> 4. Volunteerism and philanthropy <br /> 5. Intergroup and intragroup relations � <br /> 6. Civic education <br /> 7. Community information sharing � <br /> 8. Capacity for cooperation and consensus-bui�ding <br /> 9. Community vision and pride <br /> 9 0. Regional cooperation <br /> Communities need to look at all 10 of these components. You will find more information <br /> at www.ncf.orq. As you can see, this umbrella of the civic index is simple yet elegant. It <br /> is based on research and data. It is communicated clearly. <br /> All the Best! <br /> �� s��� <br /> Centerville Mayor <br />