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.� <br /> I Date: February 4, 2001 <br /> To: Council and Committees <br /> From: Tim Swedberg, Mayor <br /> RE: February Meetings <br /> The Councii is looking forward to our meetings in February. We had a meeting on <br /> January 31 to refine Council's view of the 2-year goals for the City. <br /> Goals must be: <br /> • Focused and lead to action <br /> • Researched and factual information provided to Council <br /> • Implemented without raising taxes <br /> • Communicated and seek public input and participation <br /> Following is a brief outline (not in any priority order) of the important areas we <br /> discussed: <br /> 1. Council wants advice on communication methods. Council will form an Ad Hoc <br /> committee Chaired by Theresa Brenner to make recommendations on Websites, <br /> newsletters, cable television, document archival, document imaging, and surveying <br /> citizens for their needs. The Council will ask for citizen members from the computer, <br /> journalism, and graphics arts fields for their advice and counsel. Citizen participation <br /> is a must and Ad Hoc committees are ideal for those who can not commit extended <br /> time. The City must provide information in advance for citizens to participate and we � <br /> need methods to facilitate citizen opinion once preliminary information has been <br /> distributed. Also linked with this discussion, will be items we need to clarify and ! <br /> explain about City procedures and processes so the information can be presented to <br /> the citizens. <br /> 2. Economic Development is an urgent issue. Council wants professional advice on <br /> design criteria for the commercial properties east of 20 Avenue towards the <br /> freeway and help with old town renovations. We want to get ahead of the <br /> development curve that Council views as accelerating. Along with this would be <br /> topics ranging from what type of commercial activities do we want, how can we <br /> provide a business environment that welcomes new business and retains existing <br /> business, in a prosperous community. Are there opportunities that the City can <br /> leverage into successful commercial development? <br /> 3. Parks and recreation is another area identified by Council. Items mentioned are <br /> I youth recreation progams, trail and pedestrian access linking public facilities and <br /> neighboring communities including a plan for Main Street, improvements at La Motte <br /> Park including a range of items from skateboarding, concession buildings, electrical <br /> improvements. Council keeps the option of a Community Center as a fonger-term <br /> goal, but it is not viable in this 2-year window. Perhaps the biggest challenge in <br /> recreation is which model will Centerville adopt to provide opportunities for our <br /> I <br />