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. M�I�tO <br /> !'�A?"�: Se,pt"ev��.l�e�' 21, 19 9 9 <br /> T'O: �aa��v a.r�� 2e,c.rea�'r,o-w Co�ePi <br /> �"RoM: �4i.�nP.� �a%r7rra� <br /> R�: 74co�rw CrP,P,�v �a�rk� <br /> I wanted to thank Dale Larson for attending our CNN meeting on Monday, <br /> September 20t I also wanted to upda.te you on some of the issues we discussed at <br /> our meeting, in hopes for your recommendation and approval. <br /> ❑ Our volunteer list is coming along. To volunteer please call Michele at <br /> 407-0659. We would like to keep the voYunteer Iist to abouf�0 members due <br /> to the ability of the site supervisor being able to keep everybody busy. We <br /> also would like to remain at that number for the businesses that have donated <br /> food items. (We are asking that small children are kept away from the park <br /> during the installation.) <br /> ❑ Jumpin Java will be providing breal�ast, Wise Guys Pizza will be providing j <br /> lunch, and Corner Express will be providing water and soda for the i <br /> volunteers that are installing the play equipment on October 23` ', <br /> ❑ Gerald Rehbine will provide a bobcat/forklift on Wednesday October 20t to <br /> unload the equipment. <br /> ❑ There will be a pre-installation meeting on Wednesda.y October 20�' at 7:00 <br /> � p.m. at the park. <br /> ❑ CNN would like to have Gene Houle make an additional sign for the park, so <br /> that each entrance wvuld have a sign. Mr. Houle has agreed to making <br /> another sign free of labor costs, providing the City pay for the materials. <br />