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1999-04-07 Agenda Packet
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1999-04-07 Agenda Packet
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4/28/2010 9:49:32 AM
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This issue was discussed in great detail. It was decided that a large, quarterly newsletter <br /> would continue to be mailed out, supplemented by a smaller monthly newsletter tkat <br /> would be available for residents to "pick up" at the Centerville City Ha11 as well as at local <br /> businesses. Possible Newsletter "pick-up" locations are: Tom Thumb, Corner Express, <br /> and Amoco. The "pick up" process would save on postage as well as time spent on <br /> folding as required by the postal system. Councilmember Nelson suggested that Ms. <br /> Gaustad contact the local businesses to see if they would be willing to help in the <br /> distribution of the newsletters. <br /> After the new software is in place, the newsletters should be easier to write. A program <br /> can be developed in which the newsletter format is set up. At this point, somebody would <br /> just need to fill in the blanks. Councilmember Brenner questioned where we get the <br /> information for the monthly newsletter. Mr. March stated that it takes a lot of time for <br /> just one person to write the newsletter. Mr. March suggested that we invite several <br /> people to write articles on current event issues. Councilmember Nelson commented that <br /> the newsletters should focus on recent meetings, regular scheduled meetings, and extra <br /> meetings/workshops. Councilmember Sweeney added that maybe they could just pull <br /> together the highlights. This would allow residents to know what is going on and to be <br /> informed on things that are coming up. Councilmember Brenner stated that in prior years <br /> the nev�sletter included a"Council Corner", which highlighted the events from current <br /> City Council meetings. <br /> In addition to the newsletter, it was also mentioned that communication with the residents <br /> per the cable channel is not yet functioning. Mr. March stated that the City is waiting for , <br /> a response from a letter sent to the cable company in regards to training issues. Training <br /> was included in the price of the system and up to this point has not been offered. As soon <br /> as training becomes available, Staf�will be trained in on how to use the software. The <br /> cable channel should atso include current events information and meeting highlights. <br /> Mr. March also mentioned that some websites of larger cities also include minutes from <br /> a11 committee meetings on-line. This could be a possibility in the future. <br /> 4. TRI-CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT FUNDING FORMULA <br /> Mayor Wilharber began the discussion stating that for about the last sixteen months we <br /> have been working with the City of Circle Pines and the City of Lexington in reference to <br /> funding a tri-city police department. Mr. March passed out copies of a funding formula, <br /> which weighs the dif�erent factors involved. Mr. March explained he favored the ideas of <br /> using a formula currently used by the IACP (Internationai Association of Chief of Police). <br /> This is a nationally accepted formula. One thing that is going to happen is that Circle <br /> Pines is going to a11ow Lexington to phase in to the formula over a five yea.r basis. By the <br /> year 2002 each City will be paying their fair share based on population, number of ca11s, <br /> and other formula factors. Councilmember Nelson questioned how the formula rate <br /> 5 <br />
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