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1999-04-07 Agenda Packet
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1999-04-07 Agenda Packet
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4/28/2010 9:49:38 AM
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4/28/2010 9:49:32 AM
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the next steps would include contacting the attorney and pursuing a purchase agreement <br /> with Willie Lessard. <br /> 2. COMPUTER SYSTEM <br /> Councilmember Sweeney gave a brief overview based on a conversation that he had with <br /> City Clerk Ry-Chel Gaustad. Councilmember Sweeney stated that there have been some <br /> bids that have come in and if the City is looking at purchasing a full network system, we <br /> would be looking at over $20,000. A full network system includes a main central <br /> computer with satellite computers hooked up to it. Since the City Ha11 of�ce is sma11, this <br /> idea was drapped. Another bid looked at and suggested that all the computers be <br /> upgraded. This bid was submitted by Amacomp Inc., but Councilmember Sweeney felt <br /> that because of the limitations involved with upgrading the systems, the City would be <br /> better off purchasing new PC's. Mr. Sweeney continued, stating that for about $?,000 - <br /> $10,000 the City could get new PC's which would guarantee Y2K compatibility. The City <br /> would be looking at purchasing four new systems that would be networked together, pier <br /> to pier. The systems should include VVindows 98 and the purchase of a network card for <br /> the system currently used by Mr. March. This sort of system would enable public works <br /> to tap into the network. The purchase would also include a laptop thax could be run in <br /> the Council Chambers for any meetings or sessions. The laptop could also be used for <br /> meetings that are held in different locations. The software issue was also addressed and <br /> Councilmember Sweeney clarified that whatever software program the City purchases, <br /> some training will need to be scheduled. Councilmember Sweeney stated that he would be <br /> willing to set up templates and newsletters etc. for the City. Councilmember Sweeney <br /> recommended that the City purchase the Word Perfect Suite and the Corel Drawing Suite. <br /> Councilmember Sweeney also suggested that if we ran cable into the City Ha11 for internet <br /> access that we would not need to have additional phone lines, although each computer <br /> would need to have a modem. Mr. March stated that since the cost of the purchase would <br /> be less then $25,000 it would not have to go out for bids. Councilmember Nelson stated <br /> that her experience with Amacomp is that they have gotten her hardwaxe at a lesser cost <br /> then CompUSA, Circuit City or Best Buy. Mr. March questioned if we need to create <br /> some specifications to get somebody else to bid on something similar to what Amacamp <br /> bid on. Councilmember Sweeney questioned the budget available. Mr. March stated that <br /> money was available for at least the pier to pier. In conclusion, it was determined that Udo <br /> Wegmann af Amacomp would be asked to give the City a quote on the cabling and the <br /> hook-up. <br /> 3. NEWSLETTER <br /> Councilmember Nelson stated that she received an e-mail from Shelly LaBarre of ?261 <br /> Mill Road. Ms. LaBane's e-mail indicated that while viewing the City Council meeting on <br /> cable last week, the sound quality was so poor, it was unviewable. She also mentioned <br /> that in the year that she has lived in Centerville, she has never received a newsletter. Ms. <br /> LaBarre suggested a monthly newsletter and also suggested placing copies of the monthly <br /> newsletter at local businesses. <br /> 4 <br />
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