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<br />( <br /> <br />. ~ <br />.~ <br />( <br />,~-- <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />CITY OF CENTEllVILLE <br />RESOLUTION NO. ,q <br /> <br />U$OLUTION ESTABLISHING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT <br />TAX INCIl.EMENT FINANCING DlSftICT NO. 1-2 IN <br />DEVELOPMENT DIS1'1UCT NO. 1 AND AJ)()PTIMG "- <br />TAX INCllEMENT FINANCINC PLAN <br /> <br />. BE 1% USOLVED By the City CoUDCU of the City of Centen11.1.e-, <br />1fI..IIOt&, .. foU..: <br /> <br />Sec't1OD. 1.. lec1ta1.. <br />I <br /> <br />4.01.. Die City' COUDcU. baa prenoualy fouacl a.4 deter-1l'-' that 1.t <br />... 1a the but:. iatcMt o~ the ecOlLOllic. 4trYe1oplMlD~ of the City that::. t:hc. be <br />_tabl1abecl . ""4~pa1. ])"el~~ D1atric~ (Deftlo...~ Diatric~) Ia.' the <br />Ci1:7" puJ:nat to Cba pccrl181ou. of )Hftfte.ot& Statut.., Qlaptc 4691 Ck~l.. <br />DeN1oJlMllt: D1a.t:ric~ Ifo. 1. ... clul,. e.tabllahe4 Septeaber 23, 1987. <br /> <br />1:.0%.. m.. cttT Do. 4uina to ~..t. Bcoa.OII1c. Tu. Iac%. 'II1lt: <br />Pf.Ma~""1 DiatJ:tc.C. ,lfo. 1-~ (TIP Diatrict) w1th11t the DeYeloPM1lt DiaUict: ad: <br />CO edOp~ . ra& IDd:'c..1lt' ptft.~""a: P1a. (tIF. !la.) thenfor,; puraua.1: to. tile <br />Act:.. <br /> <br />];.03'.. m. ~ ~.-."" baa tav.8ttpt>atP the &em act caa.~ . <br />~ ~. ~)... for t:be DeYeto..-e DbtJ:lc1: 8IUt the UJlt'.....tOJI <br />be ~.. 1IId;. m:.a.. ad Pl'oIJ:" clued'be t:ha. ~ 1:0 be tII~ to. <br />~ce a.ve1oplle1:: wttl'dm the DeveIopMllt D1at:dct: act fa COII........~ 1m . <br />c1oCtiMll1: _t11:1'.t "'fu= D:acnm_t: "Dn~~"1' PIa. for 1'CoaoIIfc. D41Y~1: ~ <br /> .It!~(t"~. DlaCrice Jro.. 1.-%.. Clt.T' of Cmteni11e.. M1mleao~ lraJ:ch. '. <br />23'.. D8&"". .. CD 8.1. 1& t:he olfie. of' the C1Bk~.. . <br /> <br />L.(M... _ .e:oaaa a&t rIP r1aa. ... J:e'flawcl by tbe: pt~~1: <br />--t...loa ..r. __ f'oaD.d: to- '- in: caap11...~. the: C1t.y~'. %lm&t. ..... <br />npl&1:loIIa act: ~. ....~ pl-" fOr cIeve1o~ ~ the CttT.. <br /> <br />L05... la. accomace with. the ~ ~ the k~,.. the CttJt flu <br />~. the..... ~ the Boar4 o~ o,-....toaer. of AD.oka CCnmtT act dAt ~ <br />Boar4: ~ ~1: SChoolD1atrlct: )fO. tt at opportuD1ty to< ~ the <br />fiaca1. acl ec~ 1aplica't101Ut of the 'fIF' Plat a4 to cI1acua8- tile_=-: <br />nth.; the C1qo CoUllcU. <br /> <br />L06. ~ C1ty COUIlcU. hele!. . public: headD& oa the creatfoa of thtt. <br />fU' Diatr1Ct ad' .p't1oa o~ the TIF Plat 011 Marek 23,. 1988,. aLter _tic. of <br />the pabllc heariq....... pab11ahed. OIl Harc:h a ilL the City'.; off1c1al ~,.r. <br />.~. wb1cb heari1I&. ala... peraou 4..1r1Da to be heard; OIl the subject .er.. 81.vea. a <br />opportllll1tr to ezp~ their: v1en. with respect thereto. <br /> <br /> <br />