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<br />(b) ,Transfer of Bonda. Upon aurrender for transfer of any Boad <br />duly endorsed by the resistered owner thereof or accoapan1ed by & <br />written instrument of tranafer, tn fora satisfactory to the ....ietrar, <br />duly executed by the registered owner thereof or by an .ttoraey duly <br />.uthorized by the registered owner in writing, the "epstr.r shall <br />.uthenticate .nd deliver, in the n..e of the desianated tranaferee or <br />tranafere.., one or IIOre new Bond. of a like .sares.te princip.l <br />Gount and maturity, .. requeated by the tr.naferor. The leg1atr.r <br />may, havner, cloae the books for resiatr.t1n of any tran.fer after <br />the fifteenth d.y of the 1IOIlth preced1n& 1ntereat p.,....t d.te <br />and until such intere.t payant d.te. <br /> <br />(c) Exchanae of Bonda. Whenever any Bond. .re by <br />the rasatered. own.r for exchanse the ".gi.trar' .hall auth.nticate and <br />d.l:1ver ODe or aore new Bond. of . like _rea.te principal aIIOUDt ancl <br />maturity" ,as. reque.ted by the r.a1.ter.d. owner or the- owner".. attorney <br />in vr1t1na. <br /> <br />( <br /> <br />(d) Cucellation. All Bond. surrend.r.d upon any treaafer or <br />_cbanae ahall be pr.ptly cancelled by the lea1atrar and: ther..fter <br />di.po.ect of as d:1rected by the City. <br /> <br />(.)Iilprop.r or UllaUthor1zed Trauf.r. Vb_ any Bonet: fa. pr.... <br />.eated to. th.. ".&:latter for tran.fer" the ..-&tatter may' nfu.. to <br />transfer .. ..... 1IIltll it i. ..ti.f1ed that the> eador._e. OD auc:1t <br />BoDcI or aqarat. ilIatruaent of transfer 1a "alid and' pnuiDe ... that <br />the requ..te4 traDafer fa. leplly authoriaecr.. The hai8t1:ar .an. <br />1Dcur DO l1ab11.1ty for the refuaal" m Foci tAch,. to ute. t:nIlafar. <br />which fJ:,.tD, 1.t. juclpent:.. de-. 1apropeJ: or Ull8uthoriaed~ <br /> <br />(f) Persona n.eaect awnera. The City' and) the Rea:f..crar -1' treat <br />the p.r.oo ta who.e D81I8 any Bond. ta at: any tDe reefatered fa th. <br />bond r.i.tar as the absolute owner of such 1oDd',. vbath81:' .c:h. Bond' <br />aha11 b. Overdue or DOt:" for the: pUJ:poa. of rece:1vina ~t: of.. OJ: <br />QD account: of',. the principal. of and intere.t OIl: nch Bond; .... for a1.t <br />other purpo..... ad all: auc:h ,.yants. 80 _d* to any .ach npacerec1 <br />owner or 'UpOll th.. owner". order shall b. Ya11ct ane eU~ CO> <br />aaC:1afy, and di.charge the 11ab:1l:1ty upOll ~ Bond to. the at:eIIt: ~ <br />the 8U. or .... 80 paid.. <br /> <br />(s) raze., Fe. and' Charg... POl" ."ery traafer or -c:Ilaae of <br />Bond_. th.. a..1atrar ..y 1IIpo... . chara" UPOD the owner th.reot auffl- <br />c1eDt to re1llbur.. th.. tor any taz'.. fe.. or other pam- <br />..ntal charae reqUired to be paid v:1th re.p.ct to such trQafer or <br />exchange. <br /> <br />(h) Kutilated, Lo.t, Stolen or De.troy.d Bond.. Iil cu. SIlT <br />Bond .hall b.c.. mutilated or b. de.troyed,. .tolen or lost" the <br />lesietr.r.hell d.liv.r a new Bond of like amount,. nuaber,. _turter <br />elate and C'enor in exchanae and substitution for and upoIl canCe1lat101l <br />of any .uqb mutilated Bond or in lieu of and in. substitutiOlt. for SIlT <br />such Bond d..troy.d, .tolen or lo.t, upon the payment of th..reason- <br />.ble ...n.... and of the Resi8trar in conn.ct10n tb.rew1th;. <br />aDd, in tb cu. of a Bond d..troyed, .tol.D or lo.t, upon. f:1Uua; v:1t1t <br />