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<br />the a.aistrar of .vidne. .ati.faetory to it that .uch Boad _.. <br />de.troy.d..tol.a or lo.t. and of the own.r.hip th.r.of. and upoa <br />fumi.b1l1a to the of an appropriate bond or 1I1d8D1ty 111 <br />form. sub.tanc. and amoullt .at1.factory to it. 1a which both the City <br />alld the sball bs 1l&Md a. oblig.... All Bo1lda 80 sur- <br /> to tb. Regt.trar .ball be callc.ll.d by it aDd evUnc:. of <br />.uch cancellatioD .hall be giVSD to th. City. If the autilat.d. <br />d..troy.d~ .tOl.D or lo.t Bond h.. alr.ady ..tur.d or be. caU.d for <br />redaptioll 1n accordaDee nth ita t.rM it .ball not be Il.e....ry to <br />i..ue a: Dew IoDd prior to pa1MDt. <br /> <br />(l)led.."tion. III the- weut any of the Bond. are. called for <br />redarpti01l, DOt1c. th.r.of id81lt1fyiDa. the' Bonda to 'be r.deeaed: vUl <br />'be atven by the, aegi.trar 'by ..il1Da. . copy of the redaptioe Dotice <br />'by fir.t. cl... ..11 (poata.e prepald) DOt IIOre than 60 aDd; aoe: les. <br />thaa 30 day. prior to the date f1zed for redeaptlO1l to' the ppsterecl <br />eNDer of ..c:h BoDd to 'be r.ds..d- at th.. addr... shown OIl the rest.... <br />trat10Il 'boob kept by the Ke.iatrar aDd by publ1ah1na: 88id' DO~ 1n <br />the ~ r.quir.d by law. Fa1lure to I1v. such notice by pub-liOa- <br />t1011' or by' _U to any real.tered eNDer, or: any d.fect tiler... wtn: <br />DOt aff.ct: the valld1ty of any proceed1q for the red.pt1oa: oE. Boa4a.. <br />All Bond.' ~ called for redeaptioD w1ll c.... to bear 1Dte~e &fear <br />the .,ecff1.ecl. redDpt1011 date" prorided that th.. fuDda for tile net..,.. <br />tioa. are v1th the place of payant at that ~.. <br /> <br />3'~0'4.. A1tPo1DtaeDt of Illltial a.patru. The City henb", appoillta. <br />Aaed:CaD: lfat1oDa1. B'auk anel rzu.c CoIIpaDy._ S't.. PauJ:.. Himleaoc.... .. die <br />trde1at .patrar.> The Hayor ad' the ClerJr....'lftuurer are aut~" co. <br />uecute 8Il4' 41..11..1".. OD b.half of the City._ . coatract the R-af'at:nr... <br />UpoD. ....r or. CODSol1dat:l.oD of the ltea.f.acr.r Rea _other corpoaat1Ola. tf <br />th. corporation 1a . 'baDk. or: tmat co.pauy. autho~1&.d;. .,... Z- to. <br />c:oIU'luet: auch ..111..... such corper.tlOD shall. be av.thorizect co- act: as <br />Mlce..or ReaUtrar. The City:- sar". to pay tt. reaacmabla 8Ddl CUtollary <br />c:ha~ of the.....i.trar for Che ..zrices perfomed'. The ctty.. re..... c:he <br />~t to' zaov. the leat.trar upoa 30 etaya" not1ee ... upOll th. appo1Dneae' <br />of . succ...or; leaiacrar. m wh1ch ...-= the predeceuor .paC%a Ratl: <br />detlve an ... ad' BoIlcIs f.'a: its po.....fOll: to- the succ...or R'aaf.t:rar acf' <br />shatt 4e1'lvar e. bODct regi.ter to the nce...or Reai.trar... OD.. liefor. <br />each:-. pr1Dcipa.r or- 11ltere.c due date.. 1dthout furtha: order of th1a aouactt.. <br />the Clerk-Tr....rer shall trauaa1t to the ...i.trar 1IOIley. suff1.c:Utlt for <br />the ,.yaac. of all pr1l1e1pal ad 1ntere.c. th8ll due.. <br /> <br />3'.05. Ex.cutin. Autheut1cat1oD aDd Delivery. The Boad.. aball be <br />prepared:. QIIcler the-' direction of the Cl.rk-Treaaurer 81ld ahall b. execut.d <br />OD behalf, of th. Clty by the .ipature. of th. Kayor aud the <br />Cl.l'k-Tr...ur.'Ej,. provided that all .ipature.; ..y be pr1nted. ~ved or <br />l1thoaraphed f~a1llU.. of the orlai1lal.. III ea.. auT offlc~ who... <br />.tpatur., or .f.ea1ll1.l.. of whoa. 8ipature ahalla"..r on th.. B0D4. .hall <br />c..... to bee neb off1c.r before the d.livery of anT Boad. suc:h sipature. or <br />faca1a1l.. .balllleverthele.a be valid and auffic1euc. for al1. purpo...... the <br />.... as if the offic.r had r_1.Ded 111 offic... until. deliv.ry.- .otwlth- <br />