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<br />pre.elltation and surrender hereof. the pr1Dcipal hereof are payable 1D <br />lawful money of the United State. of America by check or draft by American <br />NatiOD&l Bank and Trust Coapauy. St. Paul, Hinnesota, .. Bond lesutrar, <br />Transfer Alent, Autheut1catina Agent and Pay tal Ageut, or it. de.1anated <br />succes.or uDder the le.olutiou da.cribed hereiu. lor the prompt ~d full <br />pa,..eut of .uch priue1pal and 1uterest a. the same respectively becoae due, <br />the full faith and credit and tax1q powers of the City have beeBaud are: <br />hereby irrevocably pled.ed. <br /> <br />Th. City .y elect Oil March 1, 1993 and on allY 1lltere.t pa,..ut <br />date thereafter to prepay Boud. clue- ou or after Harch 1, 1994. Redemption. <br />.y be- ill whole or 1n parc of the loud. subject to prepayment. Unclasp- <br />t10u is ill p.rc, tho.e Bolld. r...1n:lDa uupaid which have the l.teat ,.tud.- <br />tY d.te will be prepaid first. If ouly part of the Bond. havlua . eo b_ <br />_tunty date- .re' called for prepaymellt the specific: oblia.t1oalJ. co.. lie <br />prepa:1d wU1 be chosen by lot by the lea1.tur. All prep.YMIlta wUl. b. at <br />.. pnce of par plua accrued :iDtere.t. <br /> <br />'l'he City CouIlc11 baa. dea:1pated, the Bonds .. "qualified tax <br />...,t obl1a.t1.OIla.'" Vithta the _&Il11l& of Section 165 (b) (3) of th.,latemal <br />Ie.... Code of 1986. as ancled (the Cod.)" ac:l withm the $10 111111011 <br />11ll1c- a1loved by the Code for the calendar year of :1aaue. <br /> <br />Md1t1.olla1: prGV1a1on& of thi. Bo1Id' are coata1ued OIl the rever.. hereof <br />&114:. such provia101UJ' .h.n for all PUrPOe.. have the ._ effect .. thouab <br />fWJ.y Mt. forth 1D: th1a place.. <br /> <br />Thi. Bond' sba1.X DOe be Yalid- or bee... ob11aatory for &IlY' Puzpos. 01: <br />"- 8D1:1t'1ed! co. allY" securiCT or beaef1t: Ullier die a.solut1cnt 1IItMt t:he <br />C'ct1f1.c&te of' athenUc.t1cm hereem aha.U have beea executecl by .e JtoD4' <br />oleg1atrar by,...._1 a1patur. of OIle of tta author1&ect rapr...t.u..... <br /> <br />III WITNESS' WRDIOF,. the City of Ce1ItervWe,. ADob Couaty.. 1U.IIIles0te,. <br />by tta City' Cou1Icl1. hu caused' tha Bond to b. .ecuteet OIl It. ~f ti!- <br />the facs1aUe Btpature. of the Hayor Del' City Clerk-Tre.surer aacr .. <br />caused thla BoDcl to- be dated' as of the elate set forth below. <br /> <br /> <br />nahcl:: <br /> <br />Clft OF CElh"UVILlZ,. HINNESOTA <br /> <br />(facstlldle) <br />City Clerk-Treasurer <br /> <br />(f.c.i1ll11..) <br />Hayor <br /> <br />CERTIFICATE OF ADTRDTICATION <br /> <br />Thi. 1., one of the Boud. clel1vered pur.wmt to th.. ae.lution <br />Mllt10ned vithill. <br /> <br />AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK AND TRU8rCOltPANY <br /> <br />( <br /> <br />By <br /> <br />Authonzed l.,resentat1v.. <br />