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<br />[ of the Bond] <br /> <br />This Bond is on. of an issue in the assr.sate priDcipal amount of <br />$370,000, all of lik. original date and t.nor, as to numb.r, maturi- <br />ty date, r.daaption . privil.g., and rate, 18su.d pursuant.. to a <br />resolution adopted by the City Council on March 9, 1988 (the Resolution), <br />for the purpose of providing moo.y to defray the exp.n.e. iDcurred and to <br />be incurred in _king local 1mprov.ent., pursuant to and in full confora1- <br />ty with the Constitution and law. of the State of M1zm..ota, inCluding <br />MiD1'l880ta Statut.s, Chapt.r 429 and i. payable primarily frOll.' special <br />....s....t. aga1ut property .pecially, bue- conatitutea a- <br />SeDeral oblisation of the City, and to provide IIOney. for Cbe proapt and <br />full pa,...t of principal aDd inter..t .. the .... beCGDa ~~. the <br />full faith acl uedit of the City is irrwocably pl.d.eel.., act; the <br />City Couadl. v11l. levy ad valor.. cu.... if required for such purpo.." <br />which CUe.. -.y be lw1ecl on all of the taxable property- m the- City <br />Without l1ll1ucion sa to rate or UIOUIlt. The bonds of thi. aer1Ats are <br />i.aueel oaly .. fully registered bond. in dooa1Dation. of fS,OOO or .y <br />int.~al .ttiple- thereof of aiDgle matur1ti... <br /> <br />M pnri.da4 1D the- IesolutioD: ancl nbj .ct to c.rtain 111I1tat:.1ou sat <br />forth: thentJa.., thi. Bond a trauferable upon the boob of the C1*" at the <br />princ1pal. office of the Bon4 Rea1.trar" by th. aaJ.8ter"~. ovn.r heraof 1D. <br />per.OIl or bY" th.. eMler". actorney duly' authoriae4 m 1IpOIL auneDdar <br />hereof toaethet ath . writtaD; 1Datrwlellt of traufer ..d.fact~ to th.. <br />BOIht leli8trar,. duly executK' by the rea1.~ ower or the: CMler'''. <br />attoney: 81ldi _y &lao be' 1a _dum.e for ~ of other <br />authorize4 dull'llllltl..sti01l8.. 0,011 such tranafer or _cbanC" the C:I.~ w:f11 <br />caua. . ,.. IODct or BoDd. to" be 1;aaued'. 1n th.. ~ of th.. eruaa.fera. or <br />repatar..r CMleI",. of the __ AI.r_t. principaL amount,. bear1.Da tDCK_t <br />at the __ ate act maturtDs OIl the ..._ clat..,. aabject: to re1JdMll'8eaa1lt <br />for ay ca.,. f.. or a.ov.A.~ta1. char.. nquirect to b..' with ~pect: to <br />such traufar or ach.... . <br /> <br />Th.. C1ty 81lcl~ the Bond l.eaJ.strar may d.- _d: treat the pel'8Olt fa. who.. <br />..... th1a Icmcl t. rqiaterecl .. the- absolute owner hereof., whether this <br />lO1lel~ fa cwerdue or not,. for th.. purpos.. of receiyiDc. ""01: act fOr: .n: <br />otller parpo...... aad:'. Deither tII.. City IIOr tile Boncli. ha18trar '~.h' <br />effectect by any' DOtice to the CODtruy.. <br /> <br />IT IS BlRDY CD-lltlED,. RECITED,. COVEIWft'!D AND AGREED that a1% acta.. <br />c01lclition. and thinas' requirecl by the Conatitution 81lcI' law. of the State of <br />K1DDnota, to' b.. don_. to _i.t" to happ.n an4 to be p.rforMd pl'a'lfaiDay, <br />to 8DcI in the ianance of this Bond in order to, wake it . valid ad' biDdiDg <br />paeral ohligat1OD of the City in accordance with ita t.nas, baY.. been <br />clone, do a1st,. have happ.ned and hav.. heen: performed .. 80' requtrecl., act <br />that the i.wance of thia Bond do-s DOt ca.e: the ofth" City <br />to exce.d any cOIl.titutiol'lal or statutory U.itati01'l of ind.btecJnqa. <br /> <br />(Fora of certificate to be print.d on the rev.rse- aide of each BoDd,.- <br />follov1na .full copy of thel.sal opinion.) <br />