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<br />, <br />. <br />,. <br /> <br />,. <br />1 <br />... <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />~t~.ct 01 Miaute. of MatttA.of the <br />City Council of the City of Centervme <br />ADob County, JUsmesota <br /> <br />Punuant' to due calJ. and notice thereof, a raplar o~ the. City <br /> <br />CoUDcil of the City of Centervi11e, lUmle.ota, was, duly held ill, cJaa, aty- <br />Ba111a add' City, OIl WHne.clay, June 24" 1987.. at 7:00 .t:c1oc:k <br /> <br />..... <br /> <br />'-.n... fonc.tsaa ~': Leon L 'AUter.. ticharc1 ....tacboll... <br />carol Pri.tcb18,. Walter- lfeumann. aDcl noyd r:.uka . ' <br /> <br />'a4 . '&t1awiDc~. ....t::: 'lfOne <br /> <br /> <br />... <br /> <br />... <br /> <br />..... <br /> <br />'Gta _or aDOtmcacf, that: the HXt: cml.~ o~ iuaiD.... va- <br />.~. Cha. wa, wit. "'nit nce1.ve4: for the ltuchae of the, City". <br /> <br />1'la,.rarOllHprtOG' ~m\'_.Il&: .... ~ 1987... _ ."ert1aa4 fOJ: ..x.... <br />~ ~ 1JftMDt'a4 eLft:d&'nta -owiDa pub11cad.oa o~ aodcMt ~ <br />sale'.1D the CltT'* offici. 1 , nawpaper ancl :lit eo-rc.1a1. We.t,. . f'bI~.r <br /> <br />..par publlahe4' m M:1maeapol1a. H1DDe.ota.. wh1cb. aff1clavit:a ware .,....,'11-4... <br />fo&mct' _t1afact:OZOT anct ordered plaCK on f1l.... <br />'ria. C1t:y C1erk-Tnaaurar pr..ated . tabulation of the h1cla bad: <br />. haa raca1vacl1Jt the aamler specified 111 the Offic:I.a1 Notic. of S"alef of. th. <br />1oIida. 1'be: hi_ ... foUovs: <br />