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<br />. I <br /> <br />Carol <br />Afte~ due cou1deretion of the bids. Counci1Mmber Fritchi~ <br /> <br />:l.ut1:Ocluced the follov:tna resolution and DlOVed its adoption: <br /> <br />RESOLunOR RO. 12 <br /> <br />A. USOLUTIOR AWAlDING TB SALE or $615.000 <br />QDDAL. OILIGATION IHPIOVIHER'l' BONDS OF 1987; <br />E~.bN TBIIa FOlK AND SPECInCA'nOBS; <br />DIllEC"rING 'tBBIll EDCDTIOlf Ala) DEI.:LVEllY. <br />AlID PIO'IIDING lOa. tBEIJt PAnmHr. <br /> <br />U IT' USOLVID IT the C1.ty CouncU o~ the City of ~.. <br />.AJaoD. CoatT.. ~ot... (City) a. tollows: <br /> <br />hCltiolt, t'. Sde of Bonda. <br /> <br />1..01'. 'file 1'd4 of . F1r~Bank St. ~ ('!ucliaft) to <br />......... '615.000 CJafta1. Ob cma Iaproy_c. 101Mt. of 1987 OoaI.)' oE <br />dae' Clqr.~. = tile Offtef..t Rot1c. ~ ~ theno~ fa ~ ..... <br />... cleamdDecJ ~ Ie the Jd'p.t aD4' 'eat:: ~1ct ~ece1.vect punaae.... cJiI1", <br />....~ _dee. ~ ..1e aD4. aball. be ... :tal ~. accept.... ... iII:4 <br />...... CD panhaae. the Btmcta ac . ~. of! .605"..000' lfna. -=-4 <br />:bd:eI:ea1: CO dace ~ dal1.vezr.. ~or BoncIa b....". ~t: .. fOlto-.:. / <br /> <br />(- <br /> <br /> <br /> ,. ~~ /'"';.'-'.', <br />Year ~ Yea: of Iiltanac "F" <br />Katuttl" lata Klte!~ Ia. <;':', <br />.~ ,~: <br />- - <br /> , <br />u. 6..7S% 1996 5o..7S%: I <br /> ~.~ <br /> '. ""I,' <br />1990" S.15%. 1997' 6.75% i';-'J,'-; <br /> :,"--:"., <br />I99I. ~.15: 1995 6.fO: .. <br /> 1'::" <br /> ~ <br />Iff%' &.15% 19ff! 7.00~ c <br />1'99S' fi.lS%. 200Cl r.101. ,~i' <br /> ','..,l <br />I9t4 6.75% 200t T .20% ':-':\" <br />199$ 6..7S%. 2.00%: T.3O: <br /> 2OC)3;. 7.40: <br /> <br /> <br />.1: effactDe 1tate~U1:. nte,:' <br /> <br /> <br />1.02'. 'l'he-.... ~, -0- bef.D& the .-ouIl~ b1.ct by the Panhuar !It <br />___, of $60.5.000' .-11 be credited to. the Debt: Sernce Fund bceUafter- <br />CHated. Th.. C1ty'r.teaaurer ta. directed to ntaia the- poet cIaeck. of <br />the lurchuer p~~C c:oaplet1oD ot the sale aDd. delf.vuy of the BOiIU.,. &D4 <br />to nt1ml the' checka of the UD8Ucce..fu1 bidders< forthwith. The. lfay__ a4 <br />City' Clerk-'l'rea8Ul!er are direct_ to. execute a contract with the P\u:chaee~ <br />OIL beltaU or Ute C.1~'y.. <br /> <br />( <br /> <br />1'.03. Tha C:ttT shall to~hw:tth taw. aucl sen the londa 1a tbtl- totaI. <br />priDc:tpal aaouu~ of $615.000. ona1IM11y datect July I.> 198i.. ill. the <br />