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<br />of arq nch IlUtl1ated Bolld 0'1' ill lieu of and iu 8ubstitution for aDY <br />auch Bond d..troyed, 8tolell or lost, upou the paymeut of the raaaou- <br />able expense. &lid charse. of the bsistrar iu ccnm.ction thernith;- <br />and, iu the ca.e of a loud d..troy.d, .tol.n or lo.t, upou fi1iD& with: <br />the bsatrar of evidence s.tisfactory to it that such BoDd.. wa. <br />ciastroyed, stol.n or 108t, &lid of the CN11ership th.r.of, ad upcm <br />fumtalUzt&, to the aesistrar of all appropriate bond, or 1uclaatty ill: <br />fODl"aub.taIlce and. _ount .atisfactory to it" in which both the City <br /> the I.eaistr&r shall be- ...d .. obliS.... All BoDCla act 8UJ:nIl- <br />d.recl CO the lte&i8trar 8ha1~ be c&I'lc.U.d by it: &lid evidence of. -= <br />caucellad.OIl ahaU. be Siva. to the City. Xf the IlUtilatecl, dUC'Oyel',. <br />8t01811' or loatloDd ha., alr.ady matured. or been called for red_d.~ <br />:I.a accordaDce. nth it. terms, it .hall DOt be nece.aaxy to is.. · ~. <br />1oDd: ,dot to I-JIUIl1:.. <br /> <br />...... <br /> <br />OJ W4IiIlpUOII. tit. the _ent: &rl'T o~ the J'oDcla ._ ~,.,...... Icm- <br />ndeIIpdcm.. II.Otice thereof. fcl81lt:1fy1q; the BoDft;. 1:0 be nel..... 'tI:tD <br />he a:r.-a. by the bpatrar br -:I.11DC a copy ~ tJla. redapdaa 1IOdce <br />by-' fUst et... mail. (po.tale prepaid) not: 1IOre than. ~. anct DOC. lMa <br />tbaa. 30, ctq. prior to the: date fix.d.' for Rdempd.oa to' the.. nst~ <br />0WIleJ:' ~ ... J'OD4' 1:0 he red....ct at the, addr.... ahowIr. CD ~. ~. <br />tnt'loa boob kept by the l.epstrar &lid bY' pub1.tah:1Dc aa1ct 1IOdCe. :lS <br />the .....- ~'1Jy law. ..uure co aucJt not1ee _ ..~ce- <br />CiOa. ~ -. ..c . -I' pp:at~e4 CNDer.. 01: .. clitLact: ~,. 'WfD. <br />DOt:; .u~ .. 11atbJtt]t of: afrJ" p'l'OC.e&c tot die ft6apttoa GIll......... <br />A11:..... 80 cane. fen: 1d.11. c__ co: &aac: ~.~ <br />t:b. ~. ncr-.pCfOD ate, ~. that: tla f1m6 t'o: tIie..~ <br />d:oD., .ca. CD cfepode. 'tIi.Ch the place ~. pa)'lleDe at: cbae t:me... .;..)n,,:,.... '. <br />: . / ,:,' ':;::;,:r.?:,"',~'s , . , ' \: .'/~_\' ..:.,' ,.:.(!?' .:: ::',,\ ~;:' ~"':~?,>!7 <br />. ":LQ4i... ~tllat of Iidd:al DI. aq.. ~. -~U;'-'j~;<';~t-"rtr.':i!!,,: <br />---El~~...1: Tl'J.ta..CJ -1)>.. . .' . ~..._- -- tatl"f'.t ~-.."'.'.:. '....................'...:..;t...'....................'."".,-..:...:..'......."'.......:...: <br />tile: Kayor ildt:lla' C1tJ!' C1erb-'rreaau~er are authort~ co. _ec:uca .. ~" .,,;':~' ..' ...../f>, ...... <br />_.. CD_a-tit ~ ~ cteJ'. . contract: w.ttb.c tIIe~.. up .-pz;' - ,',;y:\::,~L . <br />COD.DD'~ ~ t:Iie Kea:tetrar vttb. aaother c:ozponCfoa-,.. !!: the ~... ' ",. . <br />coqo~. . luk 01:. tnat:. coapany __~.. lI.1r ra. COt COlI'" ...... " \. . <br />ham..... IIIICf& coqoracicnL 8ha11 be au.tb0ri.n4 to> ace. - auc:c:...or' --..... <br />,t:ac'.. .'%la. ~ apeea' to pa1' the ~eaacmabl. .... mat:ou1:J': ~. ~ t:1Ia <br />aaaiecze ten: eIIe ..m:ce. ,cfcn:mad'e. '1'he: 011:7' naezv.. the riaJH!' .. <br />r...,.. tile ..~ 1IpOD, 3CJ clays" DOtie. ~ upODl Che appo:1DtlMatf d. <br />811CC_en: ,"&facrar~ fa which enuC the pndeceaaor B'asfaCra1: sheIn cfeDft1: <br />alt.. cult act 8o.a 111 :ft. po.....iOlt: to' the aucce..or 1.e&i&t't'aJ: ... aJIaID <br />4e11.ver the- bomt np.acer CO the- aucce..or le&i8tt8r.. OIl. or be€on ... <br />p~pa1. en: mtenat due elate. without futher orcler of thia CouDc::I:r,.. the <br />~aeurer' ahe11 tnn.m.t t~ the lteRitttr"l" 1Mn". Mlffieie1'lt for the< ..,...1: <br />oe. aJ..t. prlac1pal.. aDd;. iuterest then due. <br /> <br />,........'.. . <br />"i"'" <br /> <br />.":~:;:;~ <br /> <br /> <br />... <br /> <br />%.05., BxecuCi011,.. Authentic.Uou and Delivery.. The Bond.. dalt b. <br />preparacli uucler the cl1rection of the' City Cle~k-'rreaaurer &IIcl- ".11~ be- <br />.enteel: OD< Itebal.! ot the City by the .:Lanacure. of the Mayor ad; che C1c,r <br />HaIaaa.r,.. pnv1de4 that all. ai&uature. may be printed.- alllraved or u,tho- <br />araphe4 fac.:f.1I1l.. of' the or1& III case any officer who.. npa=re <br />or _ facs1aU.a of ,who.. aipacura shall, appe.r ou the Bonds ahall c.... cO!' <br />be- auch otf1.cer betore the deUvery' of allY BoDel., 8uch .:r.pacure or fac- <br />aDUe- ahall. neverthele.S' be valid and aufficieut for all purpo...,.. the <br />