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<br />~ <br /> <br /> <br />.... .. 1.1 the officer had rema11led iD office until delivery. <br />.tuc1io& nch ...cat1on. no Bond ahall be va11d or obl1&atory for aDT <br />purpose or ent:1t1ec1 to any ..curtty or benefit under this lasolution UDl"s. <br />&ad. UIlt1.1 ., certificate of authentication on .uch Bond baa beeu duly <br />executed by the unu.1 signature of an authorized repre.entativ. of the <br />laaistrar. C.rtificat.s of authentication on different Bonde need DOt be: <br />.ipaci h1 the. ... l'a~a..utl.l. Thl .a,utl. Clll'CU1GaC. of auo.liCla- <br />t:l.oa aD each Bond shall be conclusive' widence that it baa. been auchent:l.- <br />caced and cle1ivered UDcler this. tteeoluUon. When. the Bcmcls hav. b..,. so' <br />prepared,_ executed acl authent:l.ceted.' the CI.rk-n:e..urer shall clen"et: tIa.. <br />__ to th.' thereof upon payaent of the purchaae price inaccor-- <br />daace w:t.tIl, the contract of ..1.. heretofore _de aDd executed.. .ed' the <br />hJ:chaaer sball DOt be obl:f.satad to ... to cb. application of the: P1*nhaa.. <br /> . <br /> <br />%.06.. T_on~, Bonde. the City .. elect: to cleJJ.v.r 1st ~ ~ <br />pdAte4 c1aflD:l.Uve-, hODUi. .. or IIOr. typCVl':l.tten tapOrUT lHDf. la <br />.....t:ant1a11.y- th.. foza _t torth. :bt Sectiolt 3: with such c:haqe. .. .. b. <br />necMaary 1>> reflect IIOr. thaIt one _tur:l.ty 1Il . siDale teap~IoDlt'.. <br />UpoIt'. the aecutiOa act cleli'9'H7 at clet:l.Dit:1v. bODda the C8IIPOJ:aqr ..... <br /> h: aebanp4 tbuetor aII4 cance11ecl. <br /> <br />SeedAD:J... Fom: o~ the Bonde. <br /> <br />3'.Ot.. me........' 't. lie pdatacf. m. aubatantiaUT the toU~ f'Oarcr <br /> <br />pea. 0& .... IJoD4t <br /> <br />1JB~ SD.DS OF MIIlIC& <br />sum., or HD11IISOD. <br />COUNU. OF ABOD <br />CIft' OF ~J;.U.v..a.LE. <br /> <br />. ~ OBLIG'ATlOK' DnOVIHIR'l' BOND OF 1987 <br /> <br />be. <br />.- <br /> <br />lfaturit:Y' <br /> <br />Date: of <br />OriainaI ts...e <br /> <br />.Jul" t... 1987 <br /> <br />tuSIP <br /> <br />%' <br /> <br />"'0.. . <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />!be. City' or Catuv1l1e.. _ cIuly oraaaizecl anct ez:l.at1Dc ..seiper <br />CGrpOntioD. tit ADoka COUDty'" Mi""..ote (City) to. acknowl.dge. 1t~ ~ 'be <br />1II4..-=_.-l fOJr .... hereby prOll:1... to. pay to <br /> <br />ftn,utel'ecl ".iaU'.. th.. priacipal .... of' .. on the. ..tu~ dat.. <br />specified above with thereon froa the dat~ hereot at the aDDUal <br />rate apecUied. above-, p.rabl. February 1 and Ausust L iD each 'fuz,. coa- <br />"lIC1D&- l.bruary 1.< 1988.. to. the p.rson 1n whose Da1IIe this- Bond is reaU- <br />tereel at: 1:11. ctloM at busiDe.. 011 th.' fift.enth clay (wh.ther:: o~ not 8* <br />baa_.... clay) of the u..diately" precediDglDDnth. The 1Ilterut herepn' and.< <br />