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<br />, <br />i <br /> <br />(J'ona of certificate to be prillted on the reverse side of each: Bond, <br />follow1ll' a, full con' of the 1e,al op1nion.) <br /> <br />t c.~ that the above i. a full, true &Del correct copy of tbe lap! <br />op~ raDdered bY' boDd couu.l OIl tbe '1ssu. of Bonds of the City of <br />Cea~.rvm., H1ml..ota, which 1Dcludes the w1th1D Boad, elat.el .. of the <br />elat. of' d.liv.ry of ad paymat for the Bonds. <br /> <br />(Facs:ba1le S1RUtuA) <br />C1ty Clerk-Tr...u.. <br /> <br /> <br />t'Ilet fono.tD& abbreriat1ou. _at uae4' m tIaa, iucUpUOa aD t!Ia <br />f-. ~ tId.a. B'oIa4.. ...11 b. COII8tZ'Ue4 .. thouaJt the.r ..1::.. wri.t1:e1l ow:: :Ea <br />fu1l. -ccmUDa to. appUceble Iawa. en: replat1oaJ. <br /> <br />m:', CCIf - .. tnaa.c. <br />i1t. c.~, <br /> <br />U1ID' GIft HIlt M:r CUaCod1aD. <br />(Cut) (IIlDOz:), ' <br /> <br />/' <br /> <br />BIt. Dr - ... taIUIIlC8 <br />Ir _d,ad;ea <br /> <br />aDCIa: Ubifoza ~ta'<< <br />'lnDaf'era. to ~ <br /> <br />.tSstGIIHI!ft' <br /> <br /> <br />',;,'1 <br /> <br /> <br />Jr'llll - _ j:oiDt:. hIMDC'. wfdll <br />,.,.c ~ ~..... <br />1IOt: _ ....bJ i21, C.oIl _ <br /> <br />Ma~ _bnn.a~ aay.aIaO' ,. uaect thouP DOt: m t:Iae, <br />abOYe ttat. <br /> <br />ro1: "I81ue. nce1:'1ecf.. the 1DUIeatpe~ a.r.b,.. <br />~ UIlto <br />'die- w1th11l Bou &Del aU rights ther....R..,.. <br />4oea.lacebT 1rn.YocablT COIl.titut.. azad: appoilll: <br />"tomeT 1:0 .traufer the- sa1cl: Bonet em: the books bpI: for repatacioD or.' <br />the' v1tb1.D. ~.. with fU11 power of sub.titut1oa 111: th.. pnat..... <br /> <br />.tad: <br /> <br />If'od.ce-: The aaa1lDor' a a1gutura to thi. a.s1.....1: <br />correspond with the- naa .. 1.1: appears: upo~ die f'ac. of'.dI.. w1th1D' Boaclill every particular, v1thoul: alttanC10D <br />or arq chaaSe- whac.v.r. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />... <br />