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<br />. <br />. <br /> <br />{ <br />\ <br /> <br />[aav.ra. of the Bond] <br /> <br />Tbia Iou ia on. of an iana ill the aaregat. principal aMUIlt of <br />$615,000, all of like original iaau. data and tenor, .. to number, <br />1Uturity date, r.dempt1on privileg. ancl interest rate, 18sued purnallt: to .. <br />r-.lIOlution a40pted by the City CouncU OIl Jun. 24, 1987 (th. llasoludon), <br />fot- the purpo.. of pt'OYidiDg 1IGIl.y to defray the 1Dcurr.danct to <br />'be: ucurrecl in .akinl local 1mprovaMllt., pur8U&llt to and ill full c:odoZlli- <br />cywLtk tlae CODatitut:1oll anct ~ of the Stat& of M:1IlIaesota, :I.1aa1ucl1las <br />Ifi...ota: Statut... Chapter 42', _4 thepr1Dc1.pa1 har.oL _d tatenet: <br />1aenoD. are payabl. Priaarl.lT froe special ........nt. asaiDat: ,coparty' <br />.,.1,..U,., b...fitacl therebT., .. ..t forth ill the a..Olut:101l co' wh1ca <br />nfennca :1a, .... fen: . fu11 atat_nC of riahu and powers: tbanllT COD- <br />lured. ft. full faith and. cr.dit of the City :1a :1rrevocablT pledaacl fo~ <br />paJMIlt'; o~ tJl1.a,. aDd the City Counc:11 baa. old.1.pted Its.U to ~. <br />taxa. OIl. all. of the taxable ,cop.rty ill. the City in the event: ~. DT <br />ofteri... m. apaeiat .........t. pled..el" vhteh tau ..,. he r.fa4 <br />1d.thout; l1a:I.t:&t1oa .. to rat. or 81IOunt.. The BoIlcI. of th1a; .erDtF ce <br />$a-.. ~ D. fullT 1"8li8ter.4 Bonds ill clencnd.nat:101l8 of $5,00el 01:' .., <br />t1lte~ _lt1ple thereof of dDale ueuut1... <br /> <br />.. pn91.decf. :la ~ lesolut1oa and aub1ect'; to- carta:f.D; 1:I.Id.Qt::laIwI ..t'; <br />fRtlt t1nInia.. ~ BoIl4' :1a. traDaf.rabla uPOlt; the booD o~ the- Citr'.K t:II. <br />~,.. of"ftc. of the Boncf Rea:fatrK'... b7r' the Da:tatereft OWIIC 1Iano~ fa <br />~. or __the ~. -=OEn.,. dU)I' _tborin4i fa ~t:ma UP" --~ <br />...~ _..daflr wtea . WJ:1ttea fDat~ ~ tnDafar _d:af'acto~ ,tfD thr. <br />.... ~.~.r... ~ aecue.l .,.. de na; ~ or ttiar ~... <br />at:ton.,., ancE. ..... atao It. ~ :la _m........ fOr B'oIrd. ore. oca.r <br />_thalli A" cr..a.tutiODa.. lJpoD au. crauC.u: 01:' ftCmu,p the atlIF WII11i <br />e.v.. . _ ... ~ BoIIda m lie faAecti _ the __ of the traa&ae crt <br />mp."'" ~.. ~. th. ... ~ pdDd.p.r.: ....t:... hamac Idftuc <br />at: tier __ nee aa4', -=r:I.Da. _ the ... elat.... ad.,t.a: to p1~.1..1: <br />,.. ap t:D'", .. em- &09UDiu.tat. cbarp' aquire4 to:. be pfcf; 1dth.. nat_C t:D <br />..... t:z~.. en: _clln... <br /> <br />!Is. cttp ... the Bonet .~ ..,... d... act. ueac: tlaepUsoa.fa wIioa. <br />.... CbJ.-. ......,.,ta h&1a~.C..t ..' ell.. ab.w.u~. 0WIUtC b.Esot,. ....cIleIr ~ <br />IOId t. ~ e: DOt:... for t:IIe pEpO.. or nca:l..V'iDa papat'; ... lbJ:' aU; <br />.~ IIIr:po-..., act. BAther the ~tT DO~ U. BoIlCi' .&:f.aCr&2:' ...1'1'~ Ie <br />af&cee.B ip .., 1Dt::1c:. 1>> the COD1:rBT.. <br /> <br />rt IS BDDt' C&tt!I!D,.. 1IC1'fla).. COVDWCDD AID AGIIEI) that: Itltn acta.. <br />cODdl~oDaaacl' thiDa. required. b~ the- CoUt1.tutiOD. ancl' lava of the State of <br />IIf...oca., to' be doae~ to _:lat.. to happeD: &D4 to be p.rfomecl. t1'ef1'....zy.. <br />to., a Ce' :ta:.U8IlC8" of th:f.a; BOd m order to. __ it .. val:f.4 aacl.! Mud1~J: <br />leaeral. obl:1pc:f.oll. of' the City' m accorclaDce with: ita terma" have '.aD:; <br />dora.., do". have happen.d aDd have- ba8ll. performed .. .0' r.qui%e4,. and: <br />tha1: the ia--.ce of th:1. Bond do.. not cause the indebt.dn..s, of the C1tT <br />~,exceed allT con.C:1tut1cmal or 8Catutor)" U.:tt.t:1on of <br /> <br />