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<br />( <br /> <br />relative to the aald.Dl and f1naucml of the Improv...nta <br />f1Dancecl hereby to be taken with due cl1l1&81lce that are <br />required for the coutruction of each Iaprov__t fiD&1lced <br />wholly or partly frOll the p"ceeds of the Bonds, and for the, <br /> .&&4 v.U41 .l.v)' u.t the Aa......ut.. and th. .ppcoprta- <br />tion of aD)' other fund. aeeded to pay the Bouds a1lcl iDterellC <br />th8l'eon when clue. <br /> <br /> <br />(b) In the' event of any current or anticipatecl deU- <br />c1e1lC)" 111 the AssesSMllts. the City CouDC11 will levY.' ad. <br />valor_ ea..> 1D the aaount of ea1d current or aticipate4 <br />cleftc1e1lc:y . <br /> <br />eel '!'he City v:U1 keep coaplet. ancl accurate hoou .... <br />nccml. .bGId.Da: all receipt., aDd c11abura-.-ta. fA c:cnmaa.- <br />ttoIt. _tho the- IIIprov-.zata" acl raxa.- 1..uct <br />the.for ad~ other tuDela appropr1atecl for their p&ylllnt., an. <br />co~t:1oJla. thereof an4 cl1eburs...nta; therefroa, money. OR <br />ha4;' aa4.. the b_1 ~ce of unpaid.. us..-.ab... <br /> <br />Ca) on.. CitY 1d11. cause :tea booD a4 nccml.- to. .. <br />....atefi. _ 1aaat: -.n,. ad wU1. fonfsb, copUs. o~ ~. ',. <br />..~~c ~:DR~ ... -r iaten8tect JeDOIL." Rfl1IU~" ',-~'~~.01~r:; <br />~,'. :.~J'.: '.' ',"',.', . -' '.. ~.-\~~.>::~._':~:ts1if;.~,,\~.-.. <br />", .."'....r- ..~ Cbac' die' eat:faabCE. coUecd'olla of'...._c..~ .:' <br />t~. 'fllC: d''''''' lJond. t'a. _ r-c 105% ~ che pmd.paL oe .. iBra-.c <br />, . . '......._ t:IMJ _ he.. ... ..r t:baC:. DO'- ~ ~ ~ .....-= <br /> <br />",:,(,"O:~i . <br /> <br /> <br />~... Aiadrnt1cat1oa o~ rranscript'.. <br />: ...~.' ~'-':i:~~~~~',": .H,-~}~',.~_:~'~,~ <br />....m. offtcera of: cba CLq' .. hereb,. _tbo1:hect &114.'~ . .,'" ". <br />..",. ... fbn:I.. c. die, 2a=hue~ aD4 co. tha"auoJ:lleJ_ an-.o..t ,', <br />....." "_~,r"~_!ea~ procae41Dp act. nc:on. ~. tile. ct~s;e.~~ ,.. <br />, r.. c.tIa !:I:~t..t CODd1t1Oa: ~ atfafJ:a. ~ tba.;~.':"", <br />..~ ~. act. tr-D.m,ta _..,. Ie ~._~., <br />,,-tacc.t ~.... tW'r kaow1edp ~ g. abcnnt iT . the: booy acJ,:.' naa.l:. <br />~.QU.~ ... aader ~ COIltn1.. nlat1DC to the va11cl1cr....8% <br />. ~d ta. JJoacI. ~.. ... :baatnaata'. tDc:1ucluc. DT hantofoliii::_':: <br />., ,.' ,. ~..... ~,!,1I: h cia..." npr"eIlta~ of the C1.ty.. to' ~.~.~ <br />;r~.~. .ff. . . ... '.: ."r... .:"~';" <br />....~f~.. . .' )' . .';~:~1~f':'!.~~::.;;:.:" <br />\!.; -. '....,..0%.. .fte- Ifa70r act C1.ty Cl.rk...rr.aeurer ara hereby- authodllee'. <br />~,~:.;';~c_ CO' ~ ~. they' have .....11.4 th. Officf-l Stat....~ pnpared:. . <br />.....nulab4: it ....Clttoa ell. is....n.. ancl _1. of the ..... .... <br />;'.,.t~r:\~:~'~' COt. tJIe:.. bue: oL tIa.u. kDCNled.e a4' be11af ..u.. acateaenC . U: · ..,lac. ;;t....,. <br />....;;~.';~~~~;.eecU:.accaac. Rpn&ell.I:aUon of the fut., act repre.ent.tina'M4. thuem.....L. .. ::';;'. <br />.._1..~ tU date. of cb. Offteof.l S'tataaDt.. '''''.'' ':. <br />o "\. . . ::l~l~~t~I;/ <br /> <br /> <br />.' ;'.dO'. ..'-r.'........ <br />~7,_ '"';.' - ,~",," 0." _ ..~~ . <br />. t . <,..j. ~""_' <br /> <br /> <br />. t..... <br />;;.,'. <br />...::-- . i <br /> <br />I~: <br /> <br />L~ <br />