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<br />. .,( ". .Ca)> . cba ...... .- SlOt: "Jd.vace acd.~ fIod." .. tr.ff,..d :ta.;~ ......!.;.. <br />. :~:1ecdoD u.t. d cIIa CocI.; " '!{ <br />~.'.~. (tJ):. eta. C':l.~ henbr tt...t.-ba the .... .. "q~t"'''W' t:as-':'.\ <br />,.$~;t'^~~ aN$~ &z: __d secu- W(b)(3) d tIIa ~ "r: <br /> <br />"'.,',,"'_';;~:: , . -;-l' . <br /> <br />, . ::; ee) die n..oaabty at1cipUe4 aoant oE ~aap~o~ <br />.:;;('othar tJlea. punea. acd.ntT hIa4a.. eread...c 501 (e) (3)'.... <br />- .. DOt bA'f"C Private acd.Y1tr hOllda) wJd.cIlwUI. ie :laauecl by- cb ct'tr <br />'aD4' alt. auhorUDater ent:1duc of the C:LtT) _t"J'Il1. c:a1eD4ar J'~ 1981 <br />wtJ.t.: 1IOt:: ace_ "10'.000.000; act. <br /> <br />(el) lIOC~. chair $10.000.000 of obUpt:1oDa :laauecl !aT die C:Lty <br />. '.; 4V~"C ca1elMlar J'Nr 1987' have b.. Cluipatecl for purpo.e. of. Sect:101t <br />. 2650.) (3) of the Code. . <br /> <br />fte:. C1tT _"-ll: uae :Lt. but: .ffo"_ to caapl", v:Ldl, aD)" federal. pzoceduraI. <br />~_.-. vh:Lch.. war applT in ord.r to .ffectuate- the du1padoa ...... by <br />CIda. aac1::Loa. . , <br /> <br /> <br />( <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />\ <br /> <br />S.c. '.Sp.cial Tax Covenant. <br /> <br />6.01. (a) The City COV.1l&1lt. and alree. with the hold.r. fr_ time <br />CO t1ae of the Bond. that it will not take or p.m:Lt to b. take. by any. of <br /> officer.. ...1oy... or aleDt. any act:l.on would cau.. the <br />_ OIl. Boada 1:0 b.c.. .ubj .ct to taxatin UIlCIar the. IDtamal .....ueCOcl. <br />of 1986. .. -...d.d (the. Coda). ..41 the TJ:eaaury ReplatS.01l8 proau1aat.ct <br />the~a~. :l.D affact at: the t:LIIe' of auch act:l.01l8. 8DCl that :Lt will t:ak.e or <br />cau_ Ua oU:I.f:exa.. ...103'... or a..nta to take. allaff:Lnat:Lve act::Loa <br />1d.t1Wa. :Lea., power that.." b. nec....ry to aaaur. chat auch :l:DtftUC- R11 <br />_~ ".COIle abject: to. hZat:lo1l UDClu the Cod.. _4 applicable' ftua1n:T <br />..p1at1ou. .. ,...atl,.. u1at1D& or .. lau_ft.r __act aDd ucla' appl1.- <br />ed1a to' tJlac 10M.:. <br /> <br />(, (It) 'tile- C1ty aha11 COIIP11 utll'raqu1reaata necuazy ua4er th.- <br />.C:lcIa _ ..tUum &D4 ..ata1D. th. _c:1ua. t~ ana. lDc:0IIIa. 1IIICIer <br />8eoUOa 103. ~ tile coa. of the :l:DtU'..~ OIl th. loD4a. :lDelvcJ".. wtt:Jaoia.C '. <br />IiII:ttadoa ~e. nlat::LDc. 1:0 e.aporC?' ped.oela: for :lDv~~ <br />lDttat'f... oa ....ta. :lDvutact: at: . yield. cr..te thaD. the yie14 OIl: tile <br />....... ... ~. re._ of" acaaa iDYutaeDt aam1Da. CO the 1JIa:Lt.4 .... U <br />die: ..... (to...tlaer wtth othc obl1pd.oDa ra._~.bly ap.ctact to a. bauecf <br />.. .ca1.... ,..... 1987): acea4. tJae. aall-taaau- acapt:1oa .-o-r of: <br />..~~. <br />:'.'$-,: . . r:'.. <br />...(::1'..0%.. !Ia. Cltp.. a.cheJ: oa...ta DOl: to. .. .tIIe ~ of ...,~;,: <br />..... caa_ 01: ......t ~- ~ ..,. of t:U. t:'Ql be uaacr.. m. auc1l. . ..~...., ",:,;j'. <br />... __ .... 1tIIICJ. co.. .. "')pd.... _~ hoDdIrt" w.t.t1d.D tile _~f. ~ ,r:" <br />. 1'Mtf.. msaDII t4it. t1i1:oIsaD l5Q1- oe. t:lieCocle.. ":ii.<,";? . <br />".;;:: ' -- "'~'/.,~~..' .:.,',. . - ..~ <br />~ .,.~-. <br />_,-;&..03'.. . _cIC to- ~ the -.r... "fl1IaTf'fIlI'adf; tal( .......: o&DpP- <br />.-"" 'lltdda tile --'''C o~ S'ect::Loe 265:(IJ) (3); of the Co4... die C1t:S ~ ~ .. . <br />........ tJae &lx-n",C fact:aa1 .t:.t.uIeD~ aacf raprauatat::1o..:i'\' ';.,..:;" <br /> <br /> <br />-- <br /> <br />/ <br />i - <br /> <br />! <br /> <br />.l~. <br />.:_'V_;;~_..,~.:F' <br />,p;.:. <br />'t ~- <br />r <br />\ <br />t'. <br />i <br />'L. <br />.L... <br />