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<br />i <br /> <br />.~. <br /> <br />OFFICIAL NOTICE OF SALE <br /> <br />$615,000 Ge1leral Obl1&atlo1l I1Iprov_nt Bonde of 1987 <br />. City of CenterviU. <br />ADota County, Hinneaota <br /> <br />NOTICE IS BDIIY GIVEN that the City CoUDC.U of tJaeo.CitT ot <br />C8Dt.rY1Ue, HinDe.ote, v:Lll conaider .eateel bids for the ~e of" <br />f6IS ,000 Ge.ra! Obl1.etion IIIproveM1lt Bonds of the City ac . rep1ar <br />Counc11 .et:llla on ".dMada" June 24, 1987. at 7:30 o'c1ocJt. ......> <br />C.T. follow:lD.: c.ras. <br /> <br />Purvo.. and Security <br /> <br />ft. purpo.. of the boncJ.. f. to! prcw:Ld. f1m4a ffm. cIIa ftDa- <br />ciIa&. of' vari.oJu publ1c iaprweaenca ill the C1CT~ De 1IoDIfa. <br />1d.11.... paen1. obUaationa. of: the City ~ for which. f;~ ~ fecit.. <br />cndit aDd) UX""I power. ar_ pled.e4 coaeth.r _tit IqMtCt.t ...__ta <br />....~..c lMDeflttecl propertie.. <br /> <br />Date acr Hatud.t1e.. <br /> <br />1'Jae. ..... w:f.11. I. f...' 1a &11.Jt ~.. ...... ~ Ie <br />4ab4" Jbl7 r.. 1987.. wtU h ill mteFat -ntple8 ~ ........ ... aa4, <br />~.... _ hlmafty 1.. fa. tt. ~. ... .-Danca. _ ~' <br /> <br />\. <br /> <br />--- <br />---.-.. <br /> <br />AaouIac <br /> <br />Y'..r <br />- <br /> <br />AMnme <br /> <br />. . <br />."'.~: . <br /> <br />1989- <br />..0- <br />1991 <br />1991 <br />U9S <br />lf94 <br />1995, <br />1996 <br /> <br />. 30..000 <br />30.000: <br />30.000' <br />35.000 <br />35.000 <br />40.000 <br />40.000 <br />45.000 <br /> <br />. 1997 <br />~ 199. <br />199~ .. <br />2000', . <br />200t <br />200% <br />2003: <br /> <br />. 46JJQG. <br />4.S..000; ; <br />.,..OOG <br />45.000' <br />,a.JlOC) <br />5G.OOD <br />'O~ <br /> <br /> <br />'r <br /> <br /> <br />. .. .~ <br /> <br />.... .. <br />,.~".. ......... . ~ <br /> <br />WemprtOIl: <br /> <br />BoDcla of' th:la te.". _turinl' OD', or aft.r F.bna~ t.. t999. ~ <br />.. aubject: to redeapttoa. act prior payaellC 1St whol_ or tD> put: at: the <br />OP1:iOD of' the City oa February 1. 1998... anct em ..y :bl~t: ~I: <br />date thereafter :iD, :lIlv.r... order- of' _tur1t:Lea. &Del liT lot: Cdda <br />_tur1tle. at .. pric.. of par plua eccxu.4 to- elate of n4IIIp- <br />~.. . <br /> <br />( <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />I1ltere.t on the' bond. 1d.U be payable OD rebnBJ" 1.. 1'88',. <br />u4" ........__111 tbereafter on eacll. Aupat 1 ad FebRaq' r.. .M.lI <br />boDda~ _turi.Ja&, on the .... elate..t bear :bltere.t froa cia" of :taeue <br />UDt:l.1. paiel: at ., 81ull., un:Lf0na: rate. not aceed:lD1; the rate aped:f:LaclJ <br />