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<br />r. <br /> <br />I <br />, <br />, <br /> <br /> <br />(~- <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />(. <br /> <br />f~ boraa of allY ....quat ..tuity. Each r.t. -.t b. iD aD iDt.- <br />ara1 .w.t1p18 of 51100 or 1/8 of 11. ad DO rat. of iDt.r..t DOr the <br />_t &ff.e-ct.8 ..8,al. inter..t raC. of the iaau. ..y exc..d clIe <br />"'Doe rat. of ilRer..t p.rmitt.d by 1_ 011 the day of ..Ie. <br /> <br />PayiDR Mnt <br /> <br />TIle C1q w1.U DaIIle the laa1atrar which .hall b. aubj.ct. eo <br />applicable SIC replatiou. Prillcipal vUl be payable at th.. priD- <br />ctpal offlceof CM "ai.trar &Del 11lterut viII be payable by check. or. <br />"aft of the batatrar ..Ued to the reat.tered hold.r of . bODd. ft.. <br />City- wi.J.1 pay- tile hUOUbl. ad cuatoury charle. for the .erricu of <br />cia. "liatrar.. <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />T <br />.. ~ IepX opiDfaa aD de tioDU witt-... ~~ <br />Ip ~_ 'tef1'er... ......47'.. O''8rleD . DraWl:.. . _aod-- <br />cma.. ...~u... ~oc.. The 1epI. opiDiOll w111. be priaee4-oa <br />dle ..... eta. aquae of etae purc:baaar.. !he- IepI op~ 1dU <br />... diet the 1oDII. .. vaIict act 1d.IIcliDs PIl.ra1 ob-11pd:ou Of tile <br />~.. I&,ul. aa-d:1,. fl"Oa apeda1 .p1Dat bneftUact <br />~-_ &IlCt tlaat cia. City" ta obliptacl a1Ul required Co levy cu.s <br />f.- ~ priDcipd aa4i thareoa .. the .... b.cOlle clue wichout, <br />Iiatc_ CO-, ~ or -.ouIlt. <br /> <br /> <br />Type- of Bid - - Aaoullt: <br /> <br />Saalect bU. __t: be aa:I.1e4 or 4eli..... to the UDCIft~pe4: <br />&1lCt_t .. nc:u'ftd; prior to- the t1ae' of ..14 MetillS. Each bict..t: <br />b. acoacIidoDa1 aDCl IlUt be accomp&Di.ecl by .. caabler'. or cert:U1ecl' <br />check or bank c1raft. :I.a the aoUllt of $12,300, payable to the Clty <br />