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<br />3. The City Clerk-Tre.surer 18 authoruecl ad clirectecl Co <br /> the 1oDcI. for ..le 111 aceordaDce with the forelOiq OfficU1 <br />..C~ of Sale aIlcl to cau.e the abbreviated notice of .ale attac:laect <br />hanto .. lxJa1biC A. to be published in the ..=er requirecl by lav. <br />The CiCy Ccnmcil ehall .et at 7:30 p... GO, JUDe 24. 1987. <br />Co couUer bU. OD the BoDde aDd take .y other appropriate accion. <br /> <br />The liKioD EoI' the adoption of the forelo1D& resolution ~ <br />dul,. aecODdecl by CouIIc~l__her RobischoD acl upon. wte be1q taUa, <br />t:IenoR.,. Che Eo1to-::f-aC YOCecl1D.faYOr o~ the _tiOD: Fritchie. Rob1achOll,.. <br />L' Allier <br /> <br />. aDCt .. to1lowtaa WcH _1D8c: Laska <br /> <br />....avpoa ... _11adoa: va. "c:Ian4 clul,.. pall... .... MOpceL. <br /> <br />(- <br /> <br /> <br />'r <br /> <br /> <br />... <br /> <br />( <br />