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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />EDIBIT A <br /> <br />( <br /> <br />NOTICE OF BOND SALE <br />$615,000 <br />GERElW. OBLIGA1'IOH IMPaOVlHlN'f <br />BONDS OF 1987 <br />crn 01' cENTE1lVILLI, <br />ANOn.. comrrY, HINDSOTA <br /> <br />IOTICE. IS IIIIEIY GIVEN that _lecl bids for the purchase of the <br />altewe, bOlIde vUl b. coaa1clerecl at & r...ler .et:1ll& of the cttT <br />COta1ad.l at: 7:30 p... OIl VedDuclay, .Julie 2.4, 1987, at the City BalL ill <br />Ceater'riUe. MD".sot.. The BODel. are off.reel 011 the followiDs t.a-.... <br />De ...... vUl . be elatecl .July I, 1987,. will payable <br />s~-ua1ly OIl each F.bnuy 1 _el Aupst:, I, eoa.ncilla F.bruary t,. <br />1988,. ... w1lJ. _tu!:. OIl February 1 1D the years ael ..ounte .. <br />toU..: <br /> <br />Year <br />- <br /> <br />ao.aat <br /> <br />. 30.000 <br />30,000 <br />30,000 <br />35,000 <br />35.000 <br />40.000 <br />4O..000~ <br />46.000: <br /> <br />.A1Iaa1It: <br /> <br />Year <br />- <br /> <br />1989, <br />1990 <br />1'91 <br />199% <br />1993 <br />1ft4 <br />1995 <br />1916 <br /> <br />1997 <br />1'98 <br />1"9 <br />2.000 <br />2.00 1 <br />200% <br />2.003; <br /> <br />$'.5,000 <br />45 .000 <br />45.000 <br />45..000 <br />50.000 <br />50,.000 <br />50.000 <br /> <br />.( <br /> <br />.. c::ttp-.., .x.cC' CD FUru.,., t.. 199,. 01: OD. aar !ilbaat paYMDt: ... <br />~ Cot nd... .. pnp.,. :toed.. ~ t:Ja:l.a baue :bl whole _ _ <br />pzt:.. ta 1Iweae emiR of _turiC1ee a4: . by' lot: with:1ll _turitiea.. <br />. _bt"~C 0Di .. afmr h1msarT I.. 1998 at: . price' of 'par pl11a^ ecc:nect <br />1DCenat: ...ctat. of .....d&nr. . <br /> <br />.. ate, ~ t'atK..e DO~ eta. aet:. .r~ecd... iatenat: ute of tIla ta._ <br />..., .-..4 tlIa.~ nte pel:ld.tb4 .,. ..... .....".. _t: ~ . <br />prtce. d DOC. ra.. tIaa& $610',000 plq. accme4t iatanat:. AI. re_ <br />opildoa 0& CIle 1bIuf. 1dU be fit-of.b_' hr ~"'eJ:e.. tefIk.. ~.. <br />O'an.. a ~.. . l'rof"ua1oua1. Aaeodatioa.. )H-.apoI1a.. X11muot:a.. <br />'l1I. pnc.ecle of die, boacIa: wt11. Ie ...4 Co f1uuce . port101l ~ cJae <br />coata, o~Yanou. ___Itl. public :S.1Iprov_ta fa;. the City.. <br /> <br />Iiclclft'& ahoalcl. Ite nare that the Off1c:l.a1. Stat_Dt: to be ascdtMaCll4t <br />for the- BODda aay COIlta1n aclcl1t:loual b:l.d41Da: teras. _4' iafonadolt <br />relat1v. co the. IoDcla. In tbe ."aut of a variaee bewHIt atat..-c.. <br />11l, ~ Notiee of Bcmd Sale &1lcl tbe Official SCat_lit the prov1aiotl.. <br />of the letter .ball be tho.. with which co ecaply. <br /> <br />BY olDa OF TIlE CI'1'T COUNCIL. <br /> <br />/./ TA'lllJlra M'. .Mt.l1!-zo..Mi.11A" <br />City Clerk-T~eaaur.r <br /> <br />( <br /> <br />Datecl: . lfay 2.7, 1987". <br /> <br />