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<br />STAD. O. KDDSOTA ) <br />) <br />C01JRn OP son ) <br />) <br />crrr OF CDTkVILLE ) <br /> <br />I. the UDder.ianH. .e1q. tbe duly qualified aDd actiJla, <br />C1e~TY....Z'U' of the City of CeDteniUe. H:1.mle.ota. do herny <br /> <br />cercifT that 1. haY.. carefully compared the attached acl foreaoia& <br />acnct.t oC ....... ot . replar .et1q of the City Couzu:U of aatcl <br />C1t7' held OR Wecbauclay. Kay 17. 1987. with the or1a1Da1 thereof _ <br />f11e.. tit -.y" offic_ a4 the __ 1a. . full. tn. u4 COftKt copy <br />CIaereof.. iDaofar __ the .... relate.. to the fa.....c. aa4 Nl. of <br /> <br />$615.004 GeDeral OItUaat1oD. Iaprov_Dt BODd. of 1987 of the C1q-.. <br /> <br /> <br />wrtdS$;. 1ft IIaIl4' as au. City Cl.n-'fnuunr aacf the:. cor- <br /> <br />( <br /> <br />JODte: ...z. ~. thi. -Z1. cIar of JUftA <br /> <br />.. 198T.. <br /> <br /> <br />(SIAL) <br /> <br />.,. <br /> <br />i~ ~ <br /> <br />'.:. I <br /> <br />,\ <br /> <br />: . \ <br />\ i ) <br /> <br />. <br />, <br /> <br />. '! ' <br /> <br />d' <br /> <br />CSt2S160S87.lWf <br /> <br />.'. \ \ <br />" . <br /> <br />.( <br />