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<br />RESOLUTION '87-8 <br /> <br /> <br />WHIRIAS. pursuant to an adv.r~i..m.n~ for bids for ~h. <br />improvement of Peltier Lake Drive, Mill Road. Center Street, and <br />Shad Avenue by reconstruction of these streets, bids were <br />received, opened and tabulated accordina to law, and the <br />followina bids were received complyina with the advertisement: <br />Valley Pavina, Inc. $420,324.66 <br />Alexander Construction Co. 467,895.97 <br />Arnt Construction Co. 511,838.62 <br />rorest Lake Con1;ractina 558,521.50 <br /> <br />Atm WHIRIAS, i1; appears that Valley Pavina. Inc. of New Briah1;on <br />is the lowes~ responsible bidder, <br /> <br />, <br />NON TBlRlrORB, BI IT RBSOLVED BY THI CITY COUNCIL or THE. CITY or <br />CIHTBRVILLB, HINNBSOTA: <br /> <br /> <br />f <br /> <br />1. The ..,.or and the clerk are hereb,. authorized and directed to <br />enter into the attached contract with Valle,. Pavina. Inc. of New <br />Bripten i.o the naae of the Cit,. of Centerville for the <br />improve..nt of Peltier Lake Drive, lUll Road. Center St"et. and <br />Shad Avenue b,. reconstruction of these streets accord1na to the <br />plans and specifications therefor approved b,. the city council <br />and on file in the office of the oity clerk. <br /> <br />2. The oity clerk is hereby authoriaed and directed to return <br />fortbwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, <br />except that the deposits' of the successful bidder and the next <br />10.e8t bidder ahall be retained until a contract haa been 8L1Ded. <br /> <br />Adopted by the city council this 13th day of Hay, 1987. <br /> <br />~ e 'i.-'o..~~ <br /> <br />Mayor <br /> <br />'l <br /> <br />~~~~1,4-'1tg <br />Cler . <br />