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<br /> <br />'",;;;;;~m _ <br /> <br /> <br />. -~ rr RESOLUTION NO. U7-4 <br /> <br />~' AN UPDATE OF RESOLUTION NO. 8-77 PROVIDING FOR nlE DEFERf:EHT OF SPECIAL <br />ASSESSr.ENTS FOR PERSONS 65 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER FOR WHOrf IT WOULD BE A <br />HARDSHIP TO f-1AKE THE PAYMENTS. <br /> <br />WHEREAS. the City Cpuncil of the City of Centerville is the official gaverning <br />body of the City of Centerville. and <br /> <br />WHEREAS. Minnesota. Statutes authorize the City of Centervflle. upon proper <br />application. to defer the payment of special assessments against any homestead <br />property owned by a person 65 years of age or older on January 1 of the payment <br />year and for whom it would be a hardship to make the payments. and . <br /> <br />WHEREAS. the City Councfl has detennined that the deferral of assessments should <br />be granted to any person othen"ise- qualified \lho shall r:IIke proper application <br />c.laiming that the annual principal and interest due on an assessment is in <br />excess of 5S. of his, current annual income and. therefore. a hardship to hill. <br />tbeproper application fOrlll shall be provided by the City. <br /> <br />NOW~ THEREfORE.. BE I.. RESOLVED by tJ1e.- C'entervl1le Cfty Council that spedal <br />assessments against any hOlllestead property owned by . person 65 years; of age <br />0.... older tor whoe it would be I; hardship to make- the paywnent b. deferNCt <br />subj,ect to the: a!'-orementioned inCOllMt conditions upon submission of the <br />appropriate: appl1catfolt. signed by the qualified person. <br /> <br />FURTHER'.. BE IT RESGtVElt that the right of defe.....t is automatically <br />tenatnated:: ~, pro~.1dad: under r41nnesot. Statutes.. <br /> <br />BE 1.17 FURTH_RESOLYm that appTfeat.fons for'deferments for. particuTar- <br />,yeer-- must be sulDttted' by Octobe.- IS ar tit. precaedfng. yea,... <br /> <br />BE B fiUlTHEIt RESOlD that a COPY' of! tINt current Minnesota Statutes:. ~Tadve <br />tel; d."rred"asses~t:s. for senfor dt1%ens. fs Mdt a part of this.. reso.Tutforr <br />Q. Nferenct.. <br />..--.- <br /> <br />The: IIIOti.- for.: the adopttoR' of thtr foregofng resolution was duly mad.. b.t Carol <br />FH~hfllt ancL seeondedi b,y Dick" RobfsChon and. upon vote being,' taken. <br />tbireon... the folTONfI'lf voted: 1n favor thereof:. CaroT rttiChie. Dtck Rqbfscholt. <br />~. Ftmul:..I"AKlt.a.-.tlmLt "AUie,.. <br />.~1na;. vote4. agafiirttha ...:.....mme <br />and:-- whereuport. satd.1 ....solution' was adopted" thi" 8th day o't Apr11. ~1~ <br /> <br />:. <br /> <br />.. <br />.. <br />.. . <br /> <br />~ - CJr ~-' <br />~ /C., ~ (2'~~~ <br />LEON R. l-ALLIER. MAYOR <br /> <br />ATTEST: <br /> <br /> <br />,I <br />