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<br />RESOLUTION # 87-6 <br /> <br />WHEREAS, a re.olut.ion of t.he cit.y council adopt.ed t.he 22nd day of <br />Oct.ober, 1986, fixed a dat.e for a council hearing on t.he proposed <br />improvement. of Peltier Lake Drive, Mill Road, Center St.reet. and <br />Shad Avenue by reconst.ruction of the.. st.reets. <br /> <br />AND WHEREAS, ten days mailed notice and two weeks publi.hed- <br /> of t.he hearing was given, and t.he hearing wa. h.ld thereon <br />on t.he 20t.h day of November, 1986, at. which all persons d.siring <br />t.o heard w~re given an opportunity to be heard thereon, <br /> <br />NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />CENTERVILLE, MINNESOTA: <br /> <br />Such improvement. is hereby ordered as proposed in the council <br />re.loution adopt.ed the 27t.h day of August., 1986. <br /> <br />Adopt.ed by t.he council t.his 2~t.h day of March, 1987. <br /> <br />{ <br /> <br />~ R._ ~'CU2.Q-L :~ <br /> <br />Mayor <br /> <br />~~~-'1Jjd <br /> <br />Cler <br /> <br />L <br />