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<br />.. ..( <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />RESOLUTION # 87-7 <br /> <br />WHIRKAS, pursuant to a resolution passed by the council on 11th <br />day of February, 1987. Maier. Stewart and AS80ciates, Inc.. the <br />city engineer. has prepared plans and specifications for the <br />iaProvement of Pe~tier Lake Drive. Mill Road, Center Street. and <br />Shad Avenue by reconstruction of these streets and has presented <br />sucb plans and specifications to the council for approval; <br /> <br />NOW THIRlrORI, BIIT RESOLVBD BY THI CITY COUNCIL or THI CITY or <br />CBNTIRVILLI, HINNISOTA: <br /> <br />"[ <br /> <br />1. Such plana and specifications titled "Street and Stora <br />Drainace Improveaents 1981-1", a copy of which is on file at the <br />Centerville City Hall. are hereby approved. <br /> <br />2. The city clerk shall prepare and caus. to be inserted in the <br />otficial paper, the Quad Press, an advertisement for bids upon <br />the aakina of such t.proveaent under such approved plans and <br />specifications. The advertisement shall be published twice in <br />tbe weekly published Quad Press, shall specify the work to be <br />done, shall s'tate that bids will received by the clerk until 3:00 <br />p... on April 24, 1981. at which tt.. they will be :publicly <br />opened in the council chambers of the city hall by the city clerk <br />ud enaineer. will then be tabulated, and will be cODsidered by <br />the council a'l: 1: 00 p. m . on Hay 13, 1981 in the council ohaabera <br />of the city hall of the City of Centerville. Any bidder wbos. <br />responsibility 18 questioned dur~consideration of the bid will <br />be .iven an opportunity to addre.s the counciloR the lsaue of <br />re.ponsibili ty. No bids will be' considered unless sealed and <br />filed with the clerk and" accompanied by a bid bond for 5. of tbe <br />lmOun't of such bid. <br /> <br />AdopQd by the COWICll this 25th ~f Ilarch. 1981. <br />12 ;I' a..r;.R, ~ <br /> <br />Hayor <br /> <br />~~~~-1JJi <br /> <br />l <br />