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Parks & Recreation Committee <br /> Meeting Minutes 09-01-10 <br /> <br />Use of Acorn Park for Football Practice by Centennial Youth Football <br /> <br />This was an F.Y.I for the committee. As of Wednesday, August 25 the Centennial Youth Football <br />Association had not yet started to use the fields. <br /> <br />th <br />Mr. Josh Wlaschin sent the following request prior to the August 11 City Council meeting, but after <br />the Parks & Recreation Committee met in August. His intention was to start practice Monday, August <br />th <br />16 so the request was sent to Mr. Dallas Larson and Mr. Paul Palzer. Because of the probability of <br />the Storm Water Reclamation Project starting this fall in Laurie LaMotte Memorial Park it was <br />suggested Mr. Wlaschin look at the possibility of using Acorn Creek Park. This option worked for <br />th <br />Centennial Youth Hockey so Mr. Larson put the item on the consent agenda for the August 11 City <br />Council Meeting and was approved by Council. <br /> <br />The Lino Lakes Parks and Rec is willing to line the field at LaMotte Park in the outfield of field #3. <br />th <br />The team is made up of 20 Centerville boys in the 5 grade with practice starting on Monday April <br />th <br />16. The Lino Lakes Parks and Rec needs me to get the ok from Centerville through email or writing <br />if possible. I live down the street from city Hall if I need to stop by to get the approval. Give me a call <br />if you have any questions. Thanks Josh Wlaschin <br /> <br />Schwans Skate September 25, 2010 <br /> <br />Committee Member Selander will be the coordinator for this event and will update to the committee at <br /> <br />the next meeting. <br /> <br />Bald Eagle Water Ski Club <br /> <br /> Mayor Capra provided an update she received from Mr. Mark Spitzmueller on the Bald Eagle Water <br />Ski Club. Mr. Spitzmueller has asked about the moving forward of the trail grant and expansion of the <br />trail system. Mayor Capra explained to Mr. Spitzmueller the delay due to the project going out for <br />rebid. There was discussion on a dock being associated with moving the water ski show to the <br />trailside park. The committee will review the minutes from previous meetings and as Mr. <br />Spitzmueller is planning on attending a future meeting this issue will be discussed prior to approval <br />for a dock to be placed on city property. <br /> <br />Centennial Soccer <br /> <br />Vice-Chairperson Grahek noticed the large soccer goal net is damaged and appears to be a hazard. <br />Mayor Capra will contact public works and ask them to look into the matter. <br /> <br />VII. FINANCIALS <br /> <br />VIII. ADJOURNMENT <br /> <br />Motion was made by Committee Member Amundsen, seconded by Committee Member Seeley <br />to adjourn the September 1, 2010 Parks & Recreation Committee meeting at 8:40 p.m. All in <br />favor. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />3 of 3 <br />