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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
8/1/2011 10:28:46 AM
Creation date
8/1/2011 10:23:14 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Grass Lake WMO
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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153 <br />154 <br />155 <br />156 <br />157 <br />158 <br />159 <br />160 <br />161 <br />162 <br />163 <br />164 <br />165 <br />166 <br />167 <br />168 <br />169 <br />170 <br />171 <br />172 <br />173 <br />174 <br />175 <br />176 <br />177 <br />178 <br />179 <br />180 <br />181 <br />182 <br />183 <br />184 <br />185 <br />186 <br />187 <br />188 <br />189 <br />190 <br />191 <br />192 <br />193 <br />194 <br />195 <br />196 <br />197 <br />198 <br />199 <br />200 <br />201 <br />202 <br />203 <br />Board Member consensus was in the need to provide a recommendation to the two (2) member cities <br />before the March 31st' ,2012 or 90 day deadline as previously discussed. <br />Mr. Petersen suggested that, as long as the Board remained on track for BWSR approval of the Plan in <br />November or December, there was no reason to wait until March or the extra ninety (90) days. <br />Selection Process / Membership Criteria <br />Chair Eckman advised that the proposal was for a total of ten (10) task force members, five (5) of whom <br />will be the GLWMO Board itself. <br />Update from Member Cities on Finance Research (if available) <br />Chair Eckman questioned how likely it was that the ten (10) year forecasted in the Plan would <br />change appreciably. <br />Mr. Petersen advised that the real change to the forecasted budge e predicate e TMDL <br />study results, since that was an unknown at this time and would re until sometim n 2013. Mr. <br />Petersen further advised that, once those more definitive BMP de ns and costs ere available, it <br />may require a major amendment to the Third Generation Ith <br />motion of the GLWMO Board passed on May 19, 2011 m <br />his understanding that the member cities would be performproposed for the task force. Mr. Petersen noted that dire <br />staff was to put together financing scenarios for the GLWMO mergi <br />remaining an independent entity. <br />Chair Eckman asked Mr. Schwartz if he had a s <br />Mr. Schwartz advising that to -date, he had recei <br />that the GLWMO Board would be performing <br />recommendation. <br />Pft questioned if the previous <br />revised. Mr. Petersen expressed <br />due diligence, in addition to that <br />r aneview City Manager to his <br />adjacent WD or WMO or <br />the Roseville City Council; with <br />W'directi6h; however, he was of the understanding <br />diligence and return to the City Council with a <br />Chair Eckman questioned h the d could m e a decision without knowing the preference of both <br />member City Councils. <br />Mr. Schwartz advised tha ad already done research with the Roseville City Attorney for <br />implementing fees to rope rh i e GLWMO, to determine that it was financially feasible; and <br />noted the co of the Ville City Councilmembers who expressed interest in the GLWMO <br />analysis c itment. . S artz opined that staff of the member cities could provide a <br />reco ation to their ective and partner City Councils on recommended financing options; but in <br />term e GLWMO B d's future governance, that would need to come as a result of the task force <br />an s Board rec endation. Mr. Schwartz advised that he could perform an analysis for an <br />annual st ter r for those parcels in the GLWMO and calculate a formula to convert that revenue <br />on a per par or the GLWMO and their budget projections. <br />Member Mill noted that, with a task force deadline of March 31, 2012, the member cities would have <br />already set their utility rates for 2012 in November 2011; and suggested that the task force complete their <br />work before then to allow the GLWMO Board to make a recommendation to the City Councils for their <br />consideration in November of 2011. <br />Mr. Petersen opined that, unless feedback from agencies and the public during the 60 day review process <br />of the Third Generation Plan, indicated significantly different numbers, the Board already had the <br />information available to review financial options and rates, and the only variable was dependent on how <br />aggressive the Board chose to be in its analysis. <br />4 <br />
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