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City Council Resolutions
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Last modified
7/17/2007 9:17:22 AM
Creation date
4/25/2005 12:15:21 PM
Roseville City Council
Document Type
Council Resolutions
Resolution #
Resolution Title
Ordering the Construction of Improvement No. P-82-21 and Preparation of Plans and Specifications Therefor Under and Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429
Resolution Date Passed
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<br />quite keep up with some of the neighbors. So cosmetic stuff is <br />very important. In the past, I even used to get my hair cut. <br /> <br />ACTING MAYOR JOHNSON: I think the Council has a pretty <br />good sense now of where the neighbors are coming from, but I <br />want to cut this off. If somebody else wants to. . . <br /> <br />MAN IN AUDIENCE: I have one more question - I don't want <br />to fight with anybody else - but there is one question I'd <br />like to ask Mr. Honchell - I don't know if you've mentioned it <br />or not - but how much will it affect the existing roadway as <br />far as height? Will you tear the existing roadway up to build <br />the new one or will you build over the old one? <br /> <br />MR. HONCHELL: We have found that it actually seems to <br />work better - believe it or not - to take the old pavement out. <br />One of the things we do, we put into our contract the possibility <br />of recycling the old pavement. You may see new asphalt, but <br />part of it at least may be the old asphalt they took up. We <br />will be adjusting the grades in some places to better match <br />the driveways and yards. It will not be a significant change - <br />we're not talking about a two foot change or anything - but a <br />few inches one way or the other. Trying to answer your <br />question as directly as possible - we'll be taking the old <br />pavement out, trying to make some minor adjustments in eleva- <br />tions to better match the yards. Nothing severe. <br /> <br />MR. ROBERT LANGER, 2722 Farrington Street: I drove around <br />and looked at some of these streets (inaudible) and I noticed <br />that they cut back on the driveways like 12 feet in back of the <br />lot line and replaced them all. I was just going to say - if <br />a person wanted to have a 16 foot wide driveway repaired - a <br />lot of the driveways aren't in good condition - mine is fair - <br />but if you were to bring a contractor in to replace a 16 by <br />12 - I know it would be a minimum of $DOO right there. Here <br />you're getting the street plus that portion of the driveway <br />besides. <br /> <br />ACTING MAYOR JOHNSON: Are there any other comments? <br />Any other comments on Farrington? I will close the hearing. <br /> <br />Councilman Kehr then introduced the following resolution <br /> <br />and moved its adoption: <br /> <br />Resolution No. 7486 <br /> <br />RESOLUTION ORDERING THE CONSTRUCTION <br />OF IMPROVEMENT NO. P-82-21 <br />AND PREPARATION OF PLANS AND <br />SPECIFICATIONS THEREFOR UNDER AND PURSUANT <br />TO MINNESOTA STATUTES, CHAPTER 429 <br /> <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roseville, <br />Minnesota, that in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota <br /> <br />-11- <br />
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