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<br />bonds in excess of $5,024,652, and less capitalized interest in <br />the amount of $456,787 (together wi-th investment earnings <br />thereon and subject to such adjustments as are appropriate to <br />provide sufficient funds to pay interest due on the bonds on or <br />before June 1, 1984), plus any special assessments levied with <br />respect to-improvements financed by the bonds (other than <br />improvements financed by the Prior Bonds), and collected prior <br />to completion of the improvements and payment of the costs <br />thereof, shall be credited to the Construction Account, from <br />which there shall be paid all costs and expenses of making the <br />improvements listed in paragraph 11, including the cost of any <br />construction contracts heretofore let and all other costs <br />incurred and to be incurred of the kind authorized in Minneso-ta <br />Statutes, Section 475.65; and the moneys in said account shall <br />be used for no other purpose except as otherwise provided by <br />law; provided that the bond proceeds in the Construction <br />Account may also be used to the extent necessary to pay <br />interest on the bonds due prior to the anticipated date of <br />commencement of the collection of taxes or special assessments <br />herein levied or covenanted to be levied; and provided further <br />that if upon completion of the improvements there shall remain <br />any unexpended balance in the Construction Account, the balance <br />(other than any special assessments) may be transferred by the <br />Council to the fund of any other improvement insti-tuted <br />pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429; and provided <br />further that any special assessments credited to the <br />Construction Account are hereby pledged and shall be used only <br />to pay principal and interest due on the bonds. There is <br />hereby pledged and there shall be credited to the Debt Service <br />Account (a) all collections of special assessments herein <br />covenanted to be levied and either initially credited to the <br />Construction Account and required to pay any principal and in- <br />terest due on the bonds or collected subsequent to the com- <br />pletion of the improvements and payment of the costs thereof; <br />(b) all accrued interest received upon delivery of the bonds, <br />(c) all funds paid for the bonds in excess of $5,024,652, <br />(d) capitalized in-terest in the amount of $456,787 (-together <br />with inves-tmen-t earnings thereon and subject to such <br />adjustments as are appropriate to provide sufficient funds to <br />pay interest due on the bonds on or before June l, 1984), (e) <br />any collections qf all taxes herein levied for the payment of <br />the bonds; (f) all funds remaining in the Construction Account <br />after completion of the improvements and payment of the costs <br />thereof, not so transferred to the account of another <br />improvement; and (g) upon discharge of the Prior Bonds any <br />funds remaining in and all uncollected special assessments <br />pledged to said 1981 Debt Service Account. <br />