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<br />7. The bonds shall be executed on behalf-of the City <br />by the signatures of its Mayor and Manager and be sealed with <br />the seal of the City; provided, that one (or both) of the <br />signatures and the seal of the City may be printed facsimiles <br />(if the bonds are also signed manually by at least one such <br />officer)i and provided further that the corporate seal may be <br />omitted on the bonds as permitted by law~ The interest coupons <br />pertaining thereto shall be executed by the printed, engraved <br />or lithographed facsimile signatures of the Mayor and Manager. <br /> <br />8. The bonds when so prepared and executed shall be <br />delivered by the Treasurer to the purchaser thereof upon <br />receipt of the purchase price, and the purchaser shall not be <br />obliged to see to the proper application thereof. <br /> <br />9. There has heretofore- been created a Debt Service <br />Account in the "General Obligation Temporary Improvement Bonds <br />of 1981 Fund" (the "1981 Debt Service Account"). The 1981 Debt <br />Service Account was established for the purpose of paying the <br />principal and interest on the Prior Bonds authorized in the <br />resolution creating the 1981 Debt Service Account. Of the <br />proceeds derived from the bonds herein authorized, $~ <br />shall be credited to the 1981 Debt Service Account (wnlch-~um; <br />together with sums already held in said Debt Service Account <br />and interest to accrue on the sums held in the Debt Service <br />Account through October 1, 1983, is sufficient to pay all <br />principal and interest to become due on the Prior Bonds on <br />October 1, 1983). Any surplus in the 1981 Debt Service Account <br />in excess of such requirements is hereby pledged and shall be <br />credited to the Debt Service Account hereinafter established; <br />and, upon determination of such surplus all uncollected special <br />assessments and taxes payable to the 1981 Debt Service Account <br />are hereby pledged and shall thereafter also be credited to the <br />Debt Service Account hereinafter established for the bonds <br />herein authorized. <br /> <br />10. There is hereby created a special fund to be <br />designated "General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 11 <br />Fund" to be held and administered by the City Treasurer <br />separate and apart from all other accounts of the City. The <br />Fund shall be maintained in the manner herein specified until <br />all of the bonds herein authorized and the interest thereon <br />have been fully paid. There shall be maintained in the Fund <br />two separate accounts, to be designated the "Construction <br />Accountll and the IIDebt Service Account", respectively. The <br />proceeds of the sale of the bonds herein authorized, less the <br />$~ g~ credited to the 1981 Debt Service Account, the <br />a ~ 1 erest received on the bonds, any amount paid for the <br />