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<br />WHEREAS, the foregoing is in the areas described in the legal notice relating to the original <br />hearing on the improvements and the resolutions relating thereto, and the contract price for such <br />improvements is $55,998.85, the other expenses incurred or to be incurred in the making of said <br />improvements amounts to $19,031.74, so that the total cost of the improvements will be <br />$75,030.59, and ofthis cost the City will pay $56,272.80 as its share of the cost. The cost to be <br />specifically assessed is hereby declared to be $18,757.79; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, contracts have been let and costs have been determined for Improvement M-95-14 <br />_.c..t..._ r-:.... _-cn ___...:11_ __ _11 ..t..._.. _____...... _t.........:__ n ____..__...1 T ___ l\.T_....t... ""'''1£\1 ..t...__..~t... "'1"'1" C <br />Vi lllt: vUY Vi l'.V;:¡t:VIUt: Vll cUI lllcU }JIV}Jt:llY è1UUlllllg l'.V;:¡I;WVVU Lè1llt: 1 ~VI UI, kkV i uuvugu kk~.J, <br /> <br />for the burying of utility services and necessary appurtenances. <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the foregoing is in the areas described in the legal notice relating to the original <br />hearing on the improvements and the resolutions relating thereto, and the contract price for such <br />11"'V't1nrrnTt:Jr,YnøntC'l;('I <tQ 7A7" tho nthor OVf"'\on('lOCl 1nl''11rroA n.r tn. ha ;n~11rr.Qr11n +hØ rn~1r-;nrr nf'C'':J1'''¡ <br />HHp.t v v ,",lU"'UL~ .113 ~u, J" I . -/ -..I, '-.11\..1 VL-11\..;1 "'1\.p"'JJ~\..I~ Ul\,l,,-U 1 ,",U VJ. ""V V""' J..11\,JUJ..I ,",,\..I. I.U LI.1'" l.Iu...n....I.l.l5 VL ~u..lU <br /> <br />improvements amounts to $574.00, so that the total cost of the improvements will be $9,321.55, <br />and of this cost the City will pay $0.00 as its share of the cost. The cost to be specifically <br />assessed is hereby declared to be $9,321.55; and <br /> <br />NOW THEREFORE he it re~oJveci hv the f:itv f:olJnciJ of the f:itv ofRo~evil1e Minnesota as <br />-,_.. ------ ---, ---------.---J ---- ---~J -------- ------ ---J ------------,-------------- --- <br /> <br />follows: <br /> <br />1. The City Manager, together with the assistance of the City Public Works Director, shall <br />forthwith calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for such work against every <br />assessable lot, piece or parcel of land within the improvements affected, without regard to <br />cash valuation, as provided by law, and he shall file a copy of such proposed assessment in <br />his office for public inspection. The City Manager may arrange for the assistance of the <br />Data Processing Division of the County of Ramsey in the preparation of the proposed <br />assessment roll. <br /> <br />2. The City Manager shall, upon completion of such proposed assessment, notify the Council <br />thereof for their further action and for their setting of an assessment hearing therefor. The <br />motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Councilmember <br /> <br />II Æ . 1 1 11 11 . t· . 1.1 .1 _ ro 11_ .__ _ _.l__ _1 ~._ l"'~___ _ .L1_~____~_ <br />lVlaSlel ana upon roll call VOle oemg taKen mereon, me fOllowmg vmea m favor weæUL <br />Maschka, Mastel, Goedeke, and Wall and the following voted against the same: None. <br /> <br />Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. <br />