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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
Agendas and Packets
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Last modified
8/19/2011 9:08:02 AM
Creation date
8/19/2011 9:06:03 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Grass Lake WMO
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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a. describe the existing physical environment and land usages within the <br />Grass Lake Watershed and shall further describe the environment and <br />land usages proposed for the Grass Lake Watershed by the existing <br />Comprehensive Plans for the Cities of Roseville and Shoreview and by the <br />Comprehensive Plan adopted by the Metropolitan Council; <br />b. present information on the hydrologic system in the Grass Lake <br />Watershed, the system's components and existing and potential problems <br />relating thereto; <br />C. establish objectivesj2olicies, regulations and rules (including those_______ - -- Deleted: state <br />elating to management principles, alternatives and mo ications) Deleted: esfablich <br />concerning water quality and to protect the natural cha istics of the Deleted: and <br />Grass Lake Watershed; Deleted: policy <br />d. set forth a management plan that include ent of the rologic <br />and water quality conditions to be sought II further itemize <br />significant opportunities for improvement <br />7mainag <br />e. describe conflicts between the surface w ent plan of the <br />Grass Lake Watershed and e ing man ans of the Cities of <br />Shoreview and Roseville <br />f. set forth and implement an implementation program consistent with the <br />management plan that includes a capital improvement program and <br />standards and schedules for amending the Comprehensive Plans and <br />official controls of the Cities of Roseville and Shoreview in order to bring <br />Deleted: wafer surface <br />about conformance with theyvatershed management plan for the Grass <br />_ Deleted: getout <br />Lake Watershed; <br />Deleted: Subdivision 3 Annual <br />' Operating Budget On or before June <br />stablisha procedure for amending the water surface m_a_n_agementplan <br />1 of each year the Board shall <br />%% prepare a proposed operating budget <br />_ _ <br />, and recommend its approval to the <br />'vision 3A . Annual Operating and capital improvements Budget. On <br />Cities- Each City will review the <br />, operating budget for the following <br />fiscal year and shall either approve <br />or before June 1 of each year the Board shall prepare and adopt a proposed preliminary <br />the proposed operating budget or <br />budget as amended by the Cities <br />operating and capital improvements budget and recommend its approval submit this <br />within sixty (60) days of receipt of the <br />Board recommendation Upon City <br />preliminary budget to the Cities for financing. Each City will shall review the preliminary <br />approval of the Organization's <br />operating budget, each City shall pay <br />operating budget for the following fiscal year and shall provide written comment to the <br />to the Organization an amount equal <br />Toone -half (112) of the approved <br />operating budget in the following <br />Board of Commissioners by July 1 citing any and all concerns it may have with the <br />manner a <br />II <br />budget. On or before August 1 of each year, the Board of Commissioners shall adopt <br />a One -half (112) of each City's <br />obligation shall be paid to the <br />and publish its operating and capital improvements budget for the following fiscal vear <br />m <br />Orgfiscal <br />e r approved, ndl <br />the fiscal year approved; and¶ <br />.Each City shall pay to the Organization an amount equal to one -half (1 /2) of the <br />b One -half (112) of each City's <br />obligation shall be paid to the <br />approved operating budget in the following manner: <br />Organization on or before December <br />1 of the fiscal year approved -¶ <br />
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