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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 08,2011 <br /> Page 12 <br /> tions for east/west access through the community; and asked that, if opening <br /> County Road C-2 was the decision of the City Council, that they give serious con- <br /> sideration to safely accommodating bicycles and pedestrians in that area. <br /> Mr. Yi He, 1144 County Road C-2 (just east of Lexington) — develop- <br /> er/manager of online petition <br /> Mr. He expressed his pride in living in a great and diverse neighborhood; and the <br /> continuing sense of neighborhood in resolving this issue. Mr. He reviewed the <br /> actual 137 signatures of the e-petition representing 80 households either on or <br /> across the street from lakes; with 60% outside the neighborhood. Mr. He opined <br /> that opening County Road C-2 provided a limited and disproportionate benefit for <br /> lake front homes. <br /> Mr. He addressed the petition with 215 handwritten signatures from 150 house- <br /> holds, 97% from the neighborhood and expressing major safety concerns at mul- <br /> tiple intersections along County Road C-2, the costly construction to connect <br /> County Road C-2 and correct grade issues; and destruction of an established <br /> neighborhood, should it be connected. For those advocating connecting County <br /> Road C-2, Mr. He questioned if the statistics provided by Ms. Pam Newcome, <br /> with 60% outside the neighborhood, took into consideration safety issues, or <br /> simply based their responses on convenience. <br /> Mr. He addressed several items he didn't think were addressed sufficiently in the <br /> traffic study, including turn actions onto roads (Lexington Avenue) with higher <br /> speed limits (40 mph) and difficulty with visibility and access from cross streets <br /> (left from County Road C-2 onto Lexington and Victoria and County Road C); <br /> and steep banks requiring reduced speed. <br /> Irene Erickson, 1251 Josephine Road, very new resident (as of Saturday) to <br /> Roseville and former Shoreview resident commuting through Roseville <br /> Ms. Erickson noted her long-time questioning why County Road C-2 was not <br /> open as an optional route rather than curving around other roadways; and opined <br /> that County Road C as a county road did not just exist for a single neighborhood. <br /> Ms. Erickson further opined that, as the City considered further development in <br /> the community, and in this area particularly, this became a much broader issue <br /> than just the neighborhood, but for residents throughout the county. Ms. Erickson <br /> opined that she didn't see much reason to keep County Road C-2 closed; howev- <br /> er, if there was going to be more traffic on the road, consideration of safety provi- <br /> sions for walking and parking should be given. Ms. Erickson encouraged the City <br /> Council to open County Road C-2 for the benefit of the region and those using <br /> roads beyond those two (2) neighborhoods. <br /> R.J.Newcome, "Share C-2" group representative <br /> Mr. Newcome advised that his group had attempted to say as upbeat as possible; <br /> and from his perspective their group had done so. <br />