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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 08, 2011 <br /> Page 11 <br /> Ms. LaPalm noted that she lived on County Road C-2, that it was her yard; and <br /> with their active family she asked that the City's Parks and Recreation Depart- <br /> ment consider, if any state aid funds went toward County Road C-2, consider <br /> turning the vacated right-of-way on County Road C-2 into a dog park or a new <br /> play area for families in the immediate area. Ms. LaPalm respectfully asked that <br /> the focus not only be on the motorized traffic portion of the report that may over- <br /> shadow the safety issue. <br /> Mr. Chris LaPalm, 2891 Merrill Street <br /> Mr. LaPalm opined that County Road C-2 between Merrill and Griggs was "not <br /> ready for prime time" and noted his delivery by e-mail to the City Council of a <br /> video showing the actual and realistic dangers at the intersection of Merrill and <br /> County Road C-2 with a blind approach from both the east and west; and visibili- <br /> ty of oncoming traffic unavailable unless you were at the top of the hill. Mr. La- <br /> Palm opined that this created a huge safety issue, especially at their driveway due <br /> to the grade of the hill. Mr. LaPalm asked that the City Council take that into <br /> consideration when making their decision. <br /> Morgan Kempton, 2891 Merrill Street(13 year old daughter—8th grader) <br /> Ms. Kempton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. LaPalm, expressed her personal concern <br /> regarding potentially opening County Road C-2, particularly her concern for the <br /> safety of her brother and sisters and others in the neighborhood. Ms. Kempton <br /> commented on her personal review of the traffic study and potential traffic around <br /> her home if County Road C-2 were opened; preventing her brother and sisters <br /> from playing outside safely; as well as concerns for those walking or walking <br /> their dogs in the area. With school starting soon, Ms. Kempton noted that there <br /> would be more walkers and more school buses; and if County Road C-2 were <br /> opened, she questioned how traffic changes would impact County Road C-2 and <br /> how long the construction period would be that would also impact motorized traf- <br /> fic. Ms. Kempton advised that she didn't want to walk around a lot of construc- <br /> tion work for a long time. Ms. Kempton advised that she and her family really <br /> appreciated their peaceful neighborhood and had many friends in the neighbor- <br /> hood that were like their extended family. Ms. Kempton asked that the City <br /> Council consider the viewpoints of someone her age, wanting to make a differ- <br /> ence in her community, and believing that County Road C-2 should remain <br /> closed. <br /> Dennis Dietzel,2954 Hamline Avenue <br /> As an avid biker and pedestrian along both County Road C-2 and Josephine Road, <br /> opined that, in all fairness, the perception that this was a broader community issue <br /> didn't necessarily ring true. While appreciating both routes for walking, and the <br /> amenity of County Road C-2's quiet access into the neighborhood around Griggs <br /> and Merrill, Mr. Dietzel opined that the neighborhood would be significantly <br /> changed if County Road C-2 was opened, and that it would impact the neighbor- <br /> hood negatively. Mr. Dietzel further opined that he didn't feel limited in his op- <br />