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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 08, 2011 <br /> Page 2 <br /> Mayor Roe advised Mr. Hadlick that the city-wide underground utility study was <br /> currently without a firm timeframe; however, he noted that it was on the City <br /> Council's and staff's work plan and in process. Mayor Roe asked that City Man- <br /> ager Malinen include the Dale Street Project update on undergrounding utilities <br /> on a City Council agenda in the near future, preferably August 22, 2011; and a re- <br /> port from staff or recommended City Council action at that time. <br /> City Manager Malinen advised that this was often the situation when a new home <br /> was platted on an older street with utility poles already in place; and noted there <br /> would be staff review and background including a history of lot lines, associated <br /> costs for undergrounding the utilities, all included in the staff report that will <br /> come forward at that time. <br /> Councilmember McGehee questioned the status of the Dale Street reconstruction; <br /> opining that if any undergrounding was to be done, it should be scheduled before <br /> paving to avoid removing any new construction work. <br /> Mr. Hadlick noted that the undergrounding was usually accomplished through <br /> bore holes, and shouldn't interfere with any new construction on Dale Street. <br /> Mayor Roe clarified that the primary issue are relocating/undergrounding of the <br /> four (4) utility poles, as requested by Mr. Hadlick, with a staff report and recom- <br /> mended course of action tentatively scheduled for the City Council's August 22, <br /> 2011 regular business meeting. <br /> Lorraine Hansen, 1411 Woodlyn (BUDGET COMMENT) <br /> Ms. Hansen, as a retiree from McGough Construction, noted her desire to give <br /> back to her community and her interest in youth as well. Ms. Hansen expressed <br /> her disappointment in reading an article in last week's Roseville Review related to <br /> recommended budget cuts, especially from the Parks and Recreation Department. <br /> As an active volunteer with the annual Rose Parade and related Rosefest activi- <br /> ties, Ms. Hansen opined that this and other community events were what made <br /> Roseville unique. Ms. Hansen noted the number of volunteers who worked dili- <br /> gently to make sure the annual parade went well, and the many benefits to Rose- <br /> ville beyond the community through interaction with high school bands from <br /> across the region and the interest derived through this interaction. <br /> Ms. Hansen opined that the parade wasn't that large of a drain on the City's budg- <br /> et, given the extensive and active volunteer committee work. Ms. Hansen advised <br /> that she wanted to continue volunteering for the community and youth; and cau- <br /> tioned that if the parade were eliminated, it would be hard to get it back again. <br /> Ms. Hansen asked that the City Council seriously consider the community's <br /> youth; and the need to stick by this future generation and recognize them for their <br /> place in the larger community picture. Ms. Hansen advised that, in her state-wide <br />